☆~Chapter 22~☆

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August 13th 2003

It was the night of August, two boys rode a bike together. Keisuke opened his mouth to talk "Hey Kazutora Where we goin'?" The raven haired asked. Kazutora kept his eyes on the rode and answered "It's almost Mikey's birthday right? We're gonna give him a present, a CB250T." He said calmly. The boy was confused "But nobody's got a CB250T." Kazutora chuckled and assured his friend "It's fine don't worry."

"Hey, I heard Y/n's mom, had gone overseas." The dark haired boy questioned. Keisuke raised his brows from the question before answering "Yeah, she left a week ago."

"What? But isn't her dad working overseas already? Where was it....was it Canada? No, I think it was Cari..forunia?" Keisuke hummed in response. The summer breeze hit his face as he held onto Kazutora "Her aunt moved with her." Kazutora let out an 'ehh' sound from the raven haired's sentence. "Man... That's a shame, I liked her parents dude. They'd invite me for dinner even though their broke." Kazutora sighed.

Keisuke laughed and spoke "Yeah man. I'm kinda envious seeing them together. But her aunt's cool bro and they aren't broke anymore." Kazutora's eyes slightly widened and he smiled. The boys felt really envious seeing you and your family including the others. Some maybe poor like you but they did not have a complete or healthy family.

The two stopped in front of a small bike shop. "This place." Kazutora gazed at the shop with Keisuke. The raven haired boy looked around and hummed "Y/n mentioned that Mikey's brother's shop was around here." Keisuke stared at the bike through the glass that was on display " A CB250T..." He spoke in amazement. Keisuke turned around to his friend wondering what was on his mind. Kazutora held a wrench and rested it on his shoulder "Let's steal it~"

Keisuke's eyes widened "Are you nuts? We can't just steal it!" The boy exclaimed. Kazutora payed no mind "Yeah..and? He shrugged it off. Keisuke was still against the idea and argued "If we get him a CB250T that way Mikey won't be happy at all."he grumbled. Kazutora reasoned "Dumbass,We won't tell him we stole it then,mid-schoolers like us can only ride bikes given to us. So we got no choice but to steal. You wanna see how happy Mikey will be don't you? This is the bike he's always dreamed of having." Kazutora gave Keisuke a grin.

Kazutora tossed a mask to Keisuke "Yeah but still..." he caught the mask and hesitated "Stop being a pussy, let's go." Baji followed him hesitantly and looked around anxiously. Kazutora turned to look at the boy and started explaining "Here's the plan..."

Kazutora broke the door's glass to reach the key and open it. The door clicked open "It's open!" Kazutora gestured for Keisuke to follow him "The alarm is not going off..." Keisuke continued to doubt his plan. Kazutora glanced at the raven haired and grumbled "Well whatever come on." Kazutora walked into the shop casually while Keisuke looked around anxiously. The boy did burn a few cars but he had never stolen a whole bike. Keisuke sweat dropped "Are you really gonna do this Kazutora?!"

Kazutora groaned from another of Keisuke's doubts "Keep it down. We're inside the shop now!!" He hushed the boy and continued walking. The boy didn't stop and opened his moith to speak "You really wanna do this? If we go any further we can't go back." Kazutora rolled his eyes "Shut up.. Jeez." He continued to walk inside the shop. Kazutora opened the door "Look Baji, that's it, the CB250T!" He exclaimed adoring the bike.

Keisuke gulped "So cool.. This bike..if Mikey rides it he'll look so fucking cool!" Forgetting his doubts from the mesmerizing bike "Okay give me the wire cutters." Kazutora stretched out his hand "Okay." After all his doubts he agreed on stealing the bike. Kazutora handed him the cutters


The chain broke and Keisuke turned around at his friend "I-i got it!" Kazutora smiled and hurriedly stood up "Let's get outta here! I'll open the shutters. Don't start the engine 'til we're outside!" The raven haired nodded and pushed the bike without starting the engine "Yeah I'll meet you outside!" He whisper yelled.


A voice yelled. It didn't belong to the two of them. The raven haired's hand slightly shook as he turned around. He was greeted by a silhouette of a man. Slightly tall and his face wasn't seen. "A thief? Whose shop do you think you broke into? Asshole." It spoke. The boy's heart pounded heavily, the man took a step closer while holding a wench. The light hit his face "Hm? Hey haven't I seen you somewhere before?" He spoke. Keisuke's eyes widened. The black haired man slightly tilted his head "Aren't you Keisuke?" The two stared at each other, Keisuke's eyes grew even wider "Shinichiro-kun?"

The raven haired pondered "Why are you here?" He started ro pant nervously. Shinichiro opened his mouth to talk "Huh? This is my shop." Before the boy could inform his friend it was already too late. Kazutora was already in the air trying to hit the man "KAZUTORA STOP!!!" Keisuke desperately yelled as he ran towards Shinichiro trying to save him. Everything happened so fast, yet the felt like everything happened in slow motion.

His head was filled with thoughts yet he couldn't say a word. Shinichiro was laying on the ground with blood coming from his head. Keisuke panted heavily "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO KAZUTORA!?" Kazutora excalimed, "WHAT ELSE COULD I DO? HE SAW YOUR FACE!" He argued and tried to take the bike with him. Kazutora wondered why the boy wasn't following him. The raven haired was kneeling on the ground staring at the man "Oi...Baji." Kazutora tried to call him. Tears fell from Baji's eyes "T-this....It's Shinichiro-kun..." he stuttered. Kazutora held the bike confused.

"...Mikey's older brother."


Kazutora stared at the crying boy in horror. His heart started to pound and sweat forme in his forehead. 'This has to be a joke.' He thought. Kazutora's eyes widened in panic, he couldn't utter a word. Keisuke continued crying "H-he's not breathing!!" The boy panicked with his hands shaking violently "...you're kidding right?" No... no.

"Y/n mentioned that Mikey's brother's shop was around here."

'No way... What is this...' Kazutora's eyes shook as he started to panic. The raven haired didn't help at all. Both of the boys were panicking "What do we do now, Kazutora? Shinichiro-kun is not breathing? What'll we do?" Keisuke turned to look at Kazutora with tears in his eyes. Kazutora's lips trembled as he bit his fingernails. Tears was falling from his eyes and he wasn't listening to any of Keisuke's words. "It wasn't me!! I didn't kill him!" Keisuke's eyes widened from seeing the state his friend was in.

Tears streamed down Kazutora's face "There's no way I would ever kill Mikey's older brother..." he chanted while biting his nails. The boy disassociated from the situation while Keisuke tried to talk to him "Let's call an ambulance and get the hell out. Kazutora!" Keisuke grabbed Kazutora's arms still not earning any reply. Kazutora muttered "I was doing this for Mikey. So why did this happen?" The siren of the police was getting louder.

Keisuke shook Kazutora who was staring at the air "This is all Mikey's fault so i...." Kazutora whispered. Keisuke stopped shaking him "Kazutora?" The biy continued to look at the air while muttering "I've got to kill Mikey." Kazutora whispered. Keisuke went silent while staring at the boy with widened eyes. Keisuke stared at the boy feeling shudders down his spine and took a step away from Kazutora.

The cops forced their way inside the shop and captured the two of them. Keisuke couldn't do anything alone, he couldn't also leave Kazutora who was unresponsive. The police cuffed their hands and escorted them outside where a crowd was observing them.

Keisuke lips trembled 'Why...why did this happen? That's it...this all gotta be...a bad dream' the boy told his self.


A familiar voice coming from the crown yelled. Keisuke's eyes widened. He turned his gaze to look for the owner of the voice, and there he was standingーfazed. Mikey was panting heavily from running. Sweatdrops trickled down his face "What happened? What's goin on here?" Tears started to form in Keisuke's eyes blurring his vision. He slowly opened his trembling lips,

"Mikey...I'm sorry."

Kei told me the whole story of the incident, full of information I've never heard before. I let out a scoff from hearing the story like it was funny. My lips trembled, I didn't know if it was from anger or sadness. But I hated to hear the story. Emma told me what she knew, but it was my first time hearing this from Kei. "Kazutora stood up for me, so I didn't end up in juvie. I've been waiting for Kazutora to get released." Kei spoke as I gazed at him. I had my doubts. It doesn't match up. Is he bad at lying...or is he great at it.

Hanma stepped towards the raven haired "Nice Baji. In that case, I'll be more than happy to have you aboard. Here a Valhalla's uniform." He tossed a Valhalla jacket which Kei caught. He slid it in his arms and wore it. Kei, doesn't feel towards Mikey this way. If that's what happened then why are they blaming Mikey. Is he lying to me or is he lying to Kazutora?

"Hanagaki and L/n!! Give Mikey this message!!" Hanma spoke raising his voice waiting for Kazutora "A week from now on, October 31st. In the abandoned car lot Valhalla vs. Toman. Our final fight." The two of them announced.

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