Carvings (Destiel)

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Just a random prompt I found on tumblr like a billion years ago and now ive finally got around to finishing it ^-^

Prompt: Kid!Dean carving his and Castiel initals into a tree - 'DW + CN' because they're going to best friends forever.

When they're adults, Dean finds the tree again and carves a heart around their initials because now Castiel Novak is Castiel Winchester.

"Where are we going Dean?" Cas asked as Dean took his hand and pulled him from the cool interior of Dean's sleek black Impala.

Cas stumbled behind Dean as they rushed him into an old, vaguely familiar park, that he honestly hadn't visited or even thought about in years.

"D-Dean... what are we doing here?" Cas asked curiously as he looked around at the old park that was somehow still in working order. It had been almost five years now since two of them had come here together.

"We have to do something. You'll see Cas!" Dean said eagerly as they ran past small clusters of people and children rushing past their feet joyously.

Cas eventually was able to keep step with Dean and together they ran hand and hand, Cas still following Dean's lead.

They jogged past a beautiful clear pond as swans swam gracefully across the smooth glassy surface.

"It's still just as beautiful here as it's always been." Cas murmured, pausing for a minute to look over the beautiful waters. He could picture him and Dean standing near here, skipping rocks across this glossy surface. Cas still remembered back when they were both only thirteen years old, Dean standing behind him, just a little too close together as Dean taught Cas to skip his own rocks. Little did either of them know what their, 'always too close for comfort', friendship would eventually lead to. It was so hard to believe that the two of them had started out as nothing more than just friends at the tender age of five years old at this very park. Now, here they were at the age of twenty, lovers for close to five years.

Cas let out a soft sigh, thinking of all the fun they use to have at this park, the invisible monsters they hunted using sticks as guns, and the wild expeditions they had in the forests surrounding the park pretending that they were Steve Erwin hunting for crocodiles. Cas remembered of all the glorious picnics they had together with sodas snuck from home along with a dozen homemade peanut butter and jelly sandwiches made by Castiel's mother (which was Cas's favorite food) and Pecan pie made by Mary Winchester (Which was Dean's favorite). Dean and Cas had practically lived at this park until they were about sixteen years old. Sadly, he wondered why they had ever stopped coming here. It was beautiful here, but they had grown up as school took over and jobs consumed their free time. What little free time they did have left was often used in the form of heavy make out season which usually lead to sex on whatever surface they could find. The two of them had been horny teenagers at its finest, that's not to say that they still don't have crazy wild sex whenever they could.

Cas sighed, smiling softly, his wide blue eyes trying to absorb the scenery as envisioned the two of them running around here in a much simpler time as young, innocent children.

Dean stepped beside him, realizing that Cas was no longer following him. Cas looked up at his boyfriend who was smiling lightly as he asked, "Remember that we always believed that this was the pond that all the angel's watched over and lived in?"

Cas rolled his eyes and smirked as he said, "No, what I remember is a dirty, green eyed, freckle face, mud covered five year old boy crawling through some pond shrubbery, and finding my secret hiding spot. Then I believe that he asked me if I was an angel because of some story that his mother told him. Then, when I told him that I didn't think I was an angel, he told me the story of the angels who guarded the pond and tried to use that to become my friend when we both met."

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