Winter Wonderland (Destiel)

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It was freezing outside, far too cold for hunting, and the roads were almost too icy for driving. Sam tried to convince Dean not to go driving out in this kind of weather, but Dean was stubborn as a mule. Once Dean had his mind set on something, there was no stopping him. Sam had eventually given up and hung back at the motel with coco in hand, a handfill of his favorite movies, and an incredibly warm blanket he had picked up a few weeks back.

Dean  had decided to take Cas out for a drive. He wanted to show that angel the beauty of winter.

They were wrapped up tight in thick winter clothes and snuggled close in the Impala's cabin.

Dean finally found the pond they had passed day earlier that day. It had frozen solid, perfect for skating.

He pulled over quickly and tugged Cas out of the car. Together they stumbled and slipped holding each other as they slide cross the ice.

If someone were to drive by at this very moment all they would see were two men in love; an angel and a hunter, sliding together as one across an icy snow flecked frozen pond.

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