Gotta Catch 'Em All (Sabriel)

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Something hard hit Sam in the back of the head. "Ow! What the fuck?" He swore out loud as he turned around, rubbing the back of his head grumpily.

Behind him, stood Gabriel holding a large collection of white and red balls in his hand as he smiled mischievously.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sam grouched as he took a step towards the archangel.

Gabriel gasped dramatically and said in a narrative voice, "The Pokéball has failed to capture the wild Samsquatch. I must now battle him to get him into a weakened state."

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked in confusion.

"I have used confusion, it is very effective." Gabriel said smirking.

"Gabriel this isn't funny what are you doing."

"The wild Samsquatch is becoming angered and has used intimidation. It is not very effective."

Sam pursed his lips and glared at Gabriel whose smile continued to grow wider.

"If you must know, I am on a Pokémon hunt, and must capture the wild Samsquatch for my own. I have decided to approach the creature with caution in case it tries to attack." Gabriel whispers as he crept towards Sam.

Sam merely arched his eyebrows as Gabriel approached. He finally understood the stupid game his boyfriend was playing. Sam was more than a little amused and Gabriel knew it too.

Sam watched as the red and white balls in Gabriel's arms vanished. Gabriel walked slowly and opened up his arms waiting to wrap them around Sam's body.

"I must approach slowly as not to scare the wild Samsquatch away. I must first use hug to calm the Samsquatch and claim him as my own. It seems very effective" Gabriel narrated as he wrapped his arms around Sam's middle.

"You're ridiculous Gabriel." Sam scoffed as he hugged the shorter man back.

"But you still love me." Gabriel said with a knowing waggle of his eyebrows.

Sam rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smiled down at Gabriel saying, "Yeah I guess you're right. I do love you, you stupid son of a bitch."

Gabriel smirked wildly, moving up onto his tip toes and saying, "I love you too. And you're the only Pokémon that I'll ever need." As Gabriel finished talking, Sam pulled him into a long loving kiss that made it feel like everything in the world was just as it should be.

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