Last Call

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Dean was gone.

His spirit and soul were no longer part of this world.

Dean had been killed a few weeks back after a drunk driver ran a red light and smashed into the driver's side of the Impala. Sam had escaped with a few broken ribs, a minor concussion and a smattering of cuts and bruises across his body.

Of all the nightmares and bad mojo they faced every day, it was a normal, human caused incident that had finally ended the life of the eldest Winchester. How ironic was that.

Sam was completely lost, broken without Dean by his side anymore. His heart had been shattered in ways that could never be fixed. His brother, his partner, his family, had been taken away again.

He was buried in Lawrence, Kansas. Sam felt that it was only fitting to bring Dean back to the place where this all began.

Cas had used his mojo to take Dean's body from the hospital morgue so they could properly put Dean to rest. Sam's eyes filled with tears when he saw his brother's cold corpse. They had done so much together, fought so much, overcame so many obstacles, why was this how it ended?

Sam refused to let Cas use his mojo to clear the blood away from his brother's body. He sat with a damp cloth, carefully cleaning away at the crusted blood that coated his lifeless brother. When he was done, Sam was sure to remove everything from Dean's pockets. He took out his phone, his favorite lighter, and his wallet. It wasn't like either of them had much to their names to begin with, but Sam wanted to hold onto what few things that he had left of his brother.

Afterwards, Sam had Cas gone out to a large empty field and watched in silence as they burned Dean's body. Sam had built a wooden cross and placed it in the field with Dean's name etched into it. Sam thought it was only right to leave a physical marker for a man who had sacrificed everything to keep him and the world safe for so long.

Once Sam and Cas had left the field, Sam set out to find a way to get his brother back. Sam knew that Dean wouldn't want to be brought back, but that didn't mean he wouldn't at least try. Deep down, Sam knew that there would be no bringing Dean back this time. He always pushed those thoughts aside.

Sam struggled to find someone who would help him. Someone out there had to know some way of bringing Dean back. This went on for weeks to no avail. No one dared to make deal with him and all the spells he attempted turned out to be flukes. After all, he was no witch. After each failed attempt Sam would felt a new piece of him slipping away, molding him into a new person. At once point Sam had even tried to get Cas to help him, but the angel wasn't nearly as strong as he used to be. Cas didn't have enough mojo to bring Dean back and Sam refused to face the truth. Cas tried to console Sam, but the hunter didn't want to hear it.

Sam couldn't take the pain he felt constantly aching in his chest or the unspoken apologies in Castiel's eyes, so he distanced himself from the angel as best as he could. At first Cas didn't understand Sam's need to be alone, but after eventually he realized and stopped dropping by to check on the lone hunter.

After Sam was truly alone, he let his dark thoughts consume him. He wondered what he could have done differently to save Dean. Without anyone here to distract his thoughts, Sam's self-hatred grew and ran wild. It always fought to be the center of his attention.

Even with Dean gone, Sam continued to hunt. He knew the dangers of hunting alone, but Sam couldn't bring himself to care. If he died hunting, at least he'd be back with Dean.

Hunting was nothing more than a distraction at this point. It numbed him. He soon lost count of all the monsters he killed and all the towns he passed through. Everything kinda just seemed to blur together now. Somehow it helped him cope.

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