I need you (Destiel)

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Dean was held tight in the angel's arms, motionless, barely clinging to life.

Around the two was a protective barrier that was quickly weakening. Outside that barrier was a wall of black. It was a mix of black smoke and demonic eyes.

Cas was trying his hardest to keep the demons away from the hunter, but his strength was failing him. He needed Dean's help. He needed the hunter to be okay.

"D-dean, please wake up." Cas begged desperately as he shook the lifeless man in his arm. His other arm was raised, trying to keep the failing shield in place for as long as possible. "Wake up Dean. Wake up. I-I need you."

The wall was getting smaller and smaller the longer Cas held it in place and Dean still hadn't moved. Blood was now soaking the front of Dean's shirt and Cas was beyond worried.

Finally, Castiel's arms quivered in defeat and Cas let a tear fall from his eye. "I-I'm sorry D-dean..." Cas whispered. “I can’t hang on any longer. I’m so sorry.”

The angel leaned over and pressed a sorrowful kiss to the top of Dean's head. He kept his lips pressed to the hunters head and let his hand creating the shield fall.

Cas brought his free arm to draw his hands around Dean and shielded him with his body.

All around them demons were pressing in hungrily.

Cas literally had no strength left as he held the lifeless man while black pressed in around them¸ sucking all light and all the air from the room.

All Cas could see was black.

Then, there was just nothing.

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