Happy Birthday (Dean)

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Dean stepped into the house and was met by an amazing, heart lifting smell.

"Dean? Is that you?" Castiel called from the kitchen. Dean was always stunned by just how good the angel's ears were.

"That's my name." Dean called back as he walked towards the kitchen.

Cas suddenly ran around the corner, sliding in his socks as he turned the corner, covered from head to toe in a light dusting of powder. Dean had almost no time to react before the angel ran into him, crashing their lips together lightly.

Dean immediately wrapped his arms around the angel's waist and pulled him closer.

They kissed passionately, the bitter chalky taste of flour in both of their mouths.

When they broke apart Dean breathlessly said, "Looks like someone missed me."

Cas smirked and said, "Whenever you're here with me, I feel like I'm at home."

Dean beamed at Cas and asked, "Did you have a little demon fight with flour in the kitchen?"

Cas laughed and looked down at himself and said, "I can explain..."

"You don't have to explain angel." Dean whispered against the angel's lips.

Cas kissed Dean softly and grabbed his hand. "Come here, I have something to show you."

Dean smiled and let himself be led into the kitchen by the eager angel.

The sweet smell intensified with each step that they took towards the kitchen.

When the walked in the room Dean was met by a cloudy mess of flour, which made the hunter laugh lightly.

Cas let go of Dean's hand, ran over to the counter, and picked up a sliver pan. He rushed back over to the hunter and said, "I made this for you Dean."

Dean looked down and saw an amazing looking apple pie in the angel's hands.

Dean moaned and said, "Fuck, Cas that looks amazing..."

"You wanna taste it?" The angel asked hopefully.

"Hell yeah I do." Dean said with a huge goofy smile.

Cas quickly grabbed a fork and dug the utensil into the pie. He scooped up a big fork full of the food and brought it up to Dean's lips.

Dean slowly wrapped his lips around the fork and groaned as flavors exploded across his tongue.

He chewed slowly, making little happy noises as Castiel's blue eyes watched him intently.

When he finished chewing Dean said, "That is the best friggin' apple pie I have had in my entire life."

"Really?" Cas asked in happily in shock.

"Fuck yeah Cas!" Dean exclaimed beaming down at the angel.

Cas set the pie down on the table beside them and cupped his hand around Dean's cheek and whispered, "Happy Birthday Dean."

Dean lowered his face down to the angel's and kissed him softly, putting the sweet taste of apple pie into the angel's mouth.

"This is by far the best birthday ever." Dean whispered between slow kisses.

"I bet I can make it better." Cas challenged.

"Oh yeah? How?" Dean pressed curiously.

"You... me... bedroom... big comfy bed." Cas said slowly, wiggling his eyebrows.

Dean moaned and said, "Jesus Cas, I love you."

"I love you too Dean." Cas whispered before launching into an intense kiss with the hunter.

Then, while they were kissing, Dean hooked his arms under the angel's legs and hoisted him up.

Cas immediately wrapped his legs around Dean waist. Then, together, still kissing passionately, the two men headed off to the bedroom to finish Dean's birthday surprise.

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