Football Fantasies (Sabriel)

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Requested by moonstruckbunny on instagram

Sweat was running down Gabriel's face. He glanced at the score board and saw that time was also running down too.

There was enough time for one more play, but they were still 30 yards away from the end field.

They needed a good play.

The only way that they had any hope of winning this game was if they got a touchdown to beat the other team.

His team had been playing bad all night. Normally they would be totally slaughtering the other team by now. They hadn't lost a single game all season. They were never this sloppy.

However, it had been a long week for all of them. Two of their best receivers were out this week, one with a fractured arm, the other with a massive concussion. Football was a dangerous sport, no doubt about it, but up until this point all the injuries had been minor. Of course their most important players would get hurt right before their championship game.

Gabriel stretched his fingers in distress as he tried to decide what to do. This was their final chance. If they could pull off this play then they would win their very first championship in their school's history. This season had been a record season for them; they couldn't let it all go to waste!

Everyone was counting on Gabriel, he couldn't fuck this up. Yeah, he knew they were counting on the rest of the team too, but Gabriel was the quarterback if they lost, he would get the blame.

If his team won, the whole team would get credit and they would all be showered with praise and glory and shouts of 'I knew you guys could do it'. But on the flip side, if they lost, everyone would feel like Gabriel had failed the team. It would be his fault for messing up the throw, or not seeing an open receiver. That's just how this sport worked. Football was always a team effort until the quarter back fucked up, but you know... no pressure or anything.

As his team got into position on the line of scrimmage Gabriel made a split second decision. He didn't like what he saw out here on the line.

"Time out!" Gabriel called as he backed away from the line and signaled to the refs to call it.

His team stood and turned to face Gabriel as the shrill sound of a whistle cut through the air.

The team quickly retreated to the sidelines to discuss a new game plan.

"What seems to be the problem boss?" his wide receiver, Michael, asked.

"I don't like the run we're planning." Gabriel said. He ripped his helmet off and pulled his fingers through his sweaty hair. Gabriel wanted to scream; they had to win. They had too.

"Okay, let run a different play then." Lucifer, one of his defensive linemen said. He could see how stressed Gabriel was and well... a stressed played didn't usually play as well. Gabriel looked over Lucifer's shoulder as the other boy quickly grabbed a playbook and flipped through the pages.

With their timeout clock ticking down quickly the team came up with a new strategy.

Finally they chose their new play that they believed would be successful. Although no one said it, everyone was hoping to God that this last second change would be worth it.

Since they still had a little time left in their time out, the team rehydrated themselves. As they tried not to panic, the water boys ran up beside them with drinks in their hand. The players gratefully accepted the offer of water and it was sprayed into their mouths.

When Gabriel looked at the water boy closest to him he was shock to see a very tall, lanky, long haired boy.

"Samsquatch?" Gabriel said in confusion. "Why aren't you with the other cheerleaders?"

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