Christmas Lovers (Destiel)

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The lights were dim and the house was silent. The chaos of the day was finally ebbing away. Candles flickered on top of the fireplace while a warming fire crackled in the harth below. Outside the snow was falling hard and heavy. It was only adding to the front of white that had enveloped the earth. Strong glass windows locked out the cold as the whipped wildly making the soft snowflames dance in the air.

Inside the warmth of the house, the cold winter weather didn't seem to matter. The sweet smell of Castiel's famous hot chocolate flooded the house while Dean put on some calming Christmas music.

It was a scene straight out of a Christmas story. Everything was right with the world.

Both men were still fully dressed from their long days at work, but neither one cared. All that mattered was this moment being shared between them.

Dean set aside his hot chocolate and approached his partner slowly. With a soft smile on his face, Dean removed Castiel's coco from his hands and set his drink aside as well.

Their Christmas tree twinkled softly as Dean reached up and tangled his fingers into the angel's soft warm hands. Underneath the tree, a few well thought out gifts sat silently, holding secrets that were yet to be revealed.

As music continued to fill the room, Dean started to sway along with it. He let the music fill him, pulling Cas close as they danced slowly.

Dean couldn't remember the last time that he had celebrated a nice happy Christmas like this. Maybe he had never had a Christmas like this. Dean couldn't be sure, his past just seemed like a long crazy blur.

The past didn't matter right now. All that mattered was this moment and this moment alone.

Everything seemed so much simpler now they had all quit the life. Dean had finally been free to admit his feelings for Cas without the fear of lossing eveything he loved. Now they both lived together in a small house up in the country. It was quiet and small, but it was just perfect for the two lovers who had quite literally gone through hell together.

Sammy lived close by, finally settling down with a sweet little thing who treated him right. From the moment the two of them had met, Sam had fallen head over heals for the girl. They had been perfect for each other. Now the two were married and Sammy even had a son on the way. Dean couldn't be prouder of his little brother.

They had all come so far.

Dean had never expected to leave the life as a hunter, but he was glad that they quit. He was now the happiest man alive.

He had the angel of his dreams held in his arms, the Christmas spirit was filling his bones and his family was finally at peace.

As Dean and Cas slowly danced in place Dean caught sight of a small box. He had tucked the little black box under there only a few days ago. His heart thrummed with fear and excitement at what was to come. If only Christmas could get here faster.

Little known to Cas inside that box was a silver ring just waiting to opened on Christmas day.

It had taken Dean weeks to pick out. He had to make sure that the ring was absolutely perfect in every way.

Christmas day was when Dean would finally ask Castiel, the one who had stollen his heart, to become his husband for the rest of their bliss-filled lives.

The flames from the fireplace twinkled off the Christmas ornaments, making them wink at him softly. It was like even the Christmas decorations were keeping hia proposal a secret.

Dean couldn't wait. When they both woke up the next morning Dean knew he'd become a changed man.

He would become the person who was engaged to the man of his dreams.

Dean couldn't wait to spend to rest of his tomorrows with his Angel of the Lord.

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