Losing Grace (Destiel)

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I'm sorry, Cas.

His grace had faded, his wings had crumpled. The last of his life force was seeping from his very being. Cas was turning into nothing more than a breeze in the air. He was returning to the earth as the very thing that gave the angel his life was the one that had failed him.

Dean had run to Castiel's side in a panic the moment he had collapsed to the ground. It didn't matter that there were Demons all around them. It didn't matter that Sam left as the only one keeping the monsters at bay. All that mattered was that Cas was hurt.

But Dean somehow knew that that this time, Cas wasn't just hurt...

Cas was dying.

The angel knew he had pushed himself too far.

He knew it the moment it happened to him.

Cas had been using the little bit of his remaining grace to gank a demon, but as he used his own life force to burn away the blackened soul he felt something inside him snap.

The last of his stolen grace was finally fizzling out.

There was a intense burning feeling all across his body and making it feel like his blood was boiling in his body. Cas could hear a loud screaming somewhere nearby. It took him forever to realize that the screaming was coming from him.

He was screaming in pain and the fire ripped through his body. Somehow Cas found himself in Dean's arms. He wasn't sure when he had gotten there or what he was saying.

All Cas knew was that Dean's mouth was moving but he could hear no words as he gripped tightly at the hunters shirt.

Tears dripped down Dean's nose and fell into Castiel's body.

Dean held the dying angel close, comforting him and telling him everything was fine until Cas finally fell still and his labored breathing cut off.

"Please don't go." Dean begged to the dead angel in his arm. "I-i love you...."

Despite all of his efforts there was nothing that Dean could do to bring back the love of his life.

Dean had lost the best thing in his life and he knew he'd now have to live with out Cas till the end of his days.

Hunting had once again taken the life of someone the Winchester's cared about.

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