Winter Fight (Sabriel/Destiel)

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Snow was falling hard and fast, while a violent snowball fight was taking place outside.

It was Gabriel and Sam versus Dean and Castiel.

When there was a lull in fighting to reload on ammo, Sam walked to his partner and wrapped his arms snuggly around him.

Gabriel jumped and said "Woah, you scared me Samsquatch.”

"Sorry..." Sam whispered. "You're just really warm." Gabriel smiled and turned to face his one love.

He lifted on tiptoes to reach Sam's perfect sweet lips. They exchanged a heated I kiss forgetting about the cold.

When their kiss finally broke off Gabriel looked into Sam's eyes and whispered "Sam, I love you."

"I love you too Gabriel." The hunter whispered back.

Suddenly a thick ball of white snow hit Sam and Gabriel making them jump. Cas and Dean were in the distanced doubled over with laughter.

Gabriel and Sam glanced at each other and had sly looks in their eyes. It was back to war, and Dean and Cas were going down this time.

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