King of the Damned

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They said it was impossible, there was no cure. I was damned for eternity. My soul would rot away and blacken in the deepest pits of hell.

I screamed against the pressing wait of my burden I fought against it. God did I fight my damnedest to beat them. To beat it and prove them all wrong. There was a way. There had to be a way.

Only when I was sitting on the floor in a pool of growing blood, my brother and angel lying dead and bloody around me did I realize that they had been right. I was a monster. Everything I had been told was right.

They were dead by my own hands. The last of my family. Gone with the slice of a blade.

I was cursed. There was no saving me. My fate was to spend the rest of my days burning in hell. That was where I had belong all along. No one gets out of hell with a human soul still intact. Not for long anyways.

Hell's burning flames will always find its missing soul again one way or another.

This is where I would always return to.


There was no such thing as heaven for me. Only fire and pain.

Heaven's gates had slammed their doors and threw me into the pit.

I was now and forever a son of hell with blood on my hands and eyes black as night.

I had joined the army of darkness. After all, they you can't save a demon from itself. There's just nothing left in them to save.

I had lost myself and everything else I had ever loved.

Dean Winchester was no more. I had turned into my worst nightmare.

I have nothing left to go back to so I let fire and evil become my new life.

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