Clean You up (Destiel)

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"How the fuck do you get so dirty Cas? You're a fucking angel." Dean grumbled lightly as he tried to rub smudges of dirt from the angel's nose.

Cas simply smirked and scrunched up his face, trying to stay still under Dean's gentle yet firm touch.

Behind Dean, water was streaming in to a porcelain bathtub, filling the bowl with hot water and coaxing curls of steam into the air.

"Just because I'm an angel doesn't mean I'm always clean Dean." Cas replied coolly as he shifted his eyes to the rapidly fogging mirror.

Through the hazy film collecting on the mirror glass, Cas could see Dean's body, slightly distorted, standing close in front of him.

"Clothes off." Dean instructed as the tub got fuller and fuller.

The angel slowly waggled his eyes at his boyfriend as he took off each article of clothing at a torturously slow pace.

Dean was captivated momentarily before he suddenly remembered the bathtub was still on and he rushed to turn off the flow of water before it overflowed onto the floor.

By the time the hunter turned around Cas had completely stripped down and was standing naked, waiting Dean.

Dean slowly raked his eyes over the body he was so familiar with and said, "You look stunning Cas as always."

The angel moved forward and placed a slow kiss on Dean's lips, making the hunter moan softly.

"You ready to get washed up?" Dean asked after a minute.

"Absolutely." Cas said as he brushed lightly past Dean and stepped over to the tub.

Dean watched as the angel stepped carefully into the tub, admiring the amazing view he got of his boyfriend all the while.

Once Cas had settled into the tub, Dean grabbed a bottle of shampoo and turned around to find the angel already covered in bubbles even though no soap had been put into the tub.

"What the hell?" Dean said with a smile.

"Bubble baths are more fun." Cas replayed.

"Touché." Dean said as he began to work his fingers through the angel's hair.

Cas snickered as he laid his head back against the side of the tub.

"I love you so much Dean." Cas whispered softly as he closed his eyes.

The angel felt Dean's mouth at the corner of his mouth as they kissed softly.

"I love you too angel." Dean whispered back as he continued to clean up his perfect little angel.

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