In Your Loving Arms (ReaderxDean)

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His fingers carded through your hair as the impala drove smoothly down the road.

You tried to force your eyes to stay open, but it was just so difficult to do when his leg was so warm and you were so tired from the long case you two had worked that day.

His fingers trailed down your face lightly and you couldn't help but glance up at him once more.

The light of the moon was shining softly through the windshield, illuminating his face and brining out all his best features. Every now and then the light in the Impala would grow slightly brighter as stray cars rode past them on the long silent stretch of rural country road they drove down.

Noticing you staring, Dean looked down at you briefly, smiling softly at you before pulling his eyes back up to the road and asking, "What?"

You shake your head sleepily and softly murmur, "Nothing, you just look really cute in this lighting. Kinda wish I had a camera right now."

Dean chuckled softly; a smile playing at his lips as you felt his laugh vibrate though your body. Seeing his smile after such a long day was easily enough to make you smile warmly along with him.

"You're so adorable y/n." Dean breathed with loved and adoration soaking every word he spoke. "You should probably get some rest though before we get back to Sam. We have more things to get done and you look exhausted."

You need sleepily, agreeing with what Dean was saying you were pretty damn tired after all. You sigh softly and breath, "I love you Dean." as you pull his long dark leather jacket that he let you use as a blanket higher up around your body.

Dean keeps driving, softly rubbing small circles with his thumb against your back with one hand.

Against you best efforts your eyes finally forced themselves to slide closed as he whispered back into the peaceful silence, "I love you too my beautiful y/n."

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