Hold you Close (Destiel)

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Art by Petite-Madame on Tumblr

The night was quiet the air was cool and the bed was still. Dean and Cas lay side by side both thinking the other was asleep but not wanting to check and accidentally wake the other from their dream.

They had spent most of the day running around chasing a nest of rogue vamps and knew that the both needed some sleep.

Dean's eyes were open looking over and the peaceful angel beside him. The hunter wanted more than anything to wrap his arms snuggly around his partner's torso and pull him close, but Castiel was breathing lightly and seemed to be asleep.

Castiel's eyes were closed loosely trying to stay still and drift into unconsciousness so he wouldn't wake the very still Dean beside him. They were both very light sleepers. Hunting monsters often did that to people. Cas wanted nothing more than to curl up into Dean's chest and lay there forever. He could always sleep so much better in Dean's arms, but Cas stayed where was, scared to pull Dean from a dream.

Suddenly, despite his best to efforts a small breeze tickled Castiel's skin as the air conditioner clicked on and began humming lightly. Castiel's felt the cool air wash over his skin and he shiver lightly.

Dean, who had begun to stare blankly at the ceiling now, turned his head to look over at the angel.

Cas heard Dean's head shift so he opened his eyes and peered into the dark towards his lover.

Castiel's blue eyes immediately found Dean's green eyes watching him lightly, a small smile on his face.

"You cold angel?" Dean asked softly through the thick silence.

Cas nodded slowly and Dean shifted and turned his body so he could pull Cas closer to him.

Cas turned and scooted into Dean until his partner was spooning him tightly.

Dean wiggled his arm under Castiel's body until he was able to wrap his arms entirely around the angel.

"Did I wake you?" Cas asked lightly as he pressed his ass closer into Dean's body.

Dean moved one of his legs and linked it over Castiel's as he breathed into his hair, taking in the fresh clean scent that radiated from him.

"No... Couldn't sleep." Dean admitted as he slowly moved his finger along Castiel's arm and let the angel's soft hair tickle his face. 

"I couldn't sleep either, but I didn't want to wake you."

Dean chuckled lightly, sending warm, comforting vibrations through Castiel's body. "You can always wake me up angel. Any time I get to see your pretty face is good for me.

Cas smiled and bent his head down to kiss Dean's arm. "You need the sleep though Dean."

"I could say the same thing about you Cas." Dean scooted closer to Cas, though there was nowhere left to move. "We're hunters, we run off of three hours of sleep a night."

"Yes, but being here in your arms make sleeping a little easier." Cas said with a small yawn.

Dean chuckled softly again and buried his face into Castiel's shirt. "I agree Cas, I agree." 

"Goodnight Dean." Cas mumbled sleepily as his eyes already began to flutter shut.

"Night Cas. Love you angel." Dean whispered as he too closed his eye and began to drift off into the land of sleep.

"Love you too Dean." Cas mumbled with a final kiss on Dean's arm.

 Only moments later, both Dean and Cas were warm, snug and fast asleep, held securely in each other arms. The worry of monsters and what lurks out in the dark chased away for another night.

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