Rainy Kisses (Destiel)

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Rain was pouring down from the sky but both of them were past the point of caring.

Dean smiled at his boyfriend as water flattened his hair and dripped down his face. "You're so adorable in the rain..." Dean whispered loud enough for the boy to hear.

Cas flushed red and smiled as he looked into those endless green eyes.

Their lips somehow found one another as they moved in for a kiss.

The rain was beating down harder and harder against their skin, yet still neither boy noticed enough to care.

They only broke apart when the heard the small voice of Sam, Dean's little brother calling them from the porch.

"Are you guys ever gonna come inside? It's raining pretty hard if you haven't noticed."

Both Cad and Dean and laughed, soaked to the bone as looked over to Sam. Then they quickly fumbled for each other's hands, holding one another tight as they ran to the house to escape the falling rain.

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