Ringpops (Sabriel)

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Art by Nile-Kun on Tumblr

Sam was squirming nervously, looking across the table at the short golden haired archangel, who was acting unusually calm for once.

"So," Gabriel started with a smile as he looked up into Sam's face, delicately outlined by the hunter's long dark hair. "Do you want to play twenty questions while we wait for our food?"

Sam's face crumpled in confusion. Why would Gabriel want to play twenty questions with him? Sam thought to himself. "Uh... Nah..." He said uncomfortable as he shifted in his seat.

"Are you sure?" Gabriel asked again, seeming very persistent.

"Uh... Sure fine whatever..." Sam grumbled. Sam had come to the conclusion that Gabriel never made any sense.

"I'll start." Gabriel said waggling his eyebrows.

Sam rolled his eyes and put his hands in his lap, fiddling with the tablecloth awkwardly. He felt so weird actually going out to dinner with his boyfriend and focusing on something that wasn't hunting for once.

"So, Samsquatch, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream."

Sam pursed his lips and said, "Uhhh... I don't know...."

"Aw come on! Get in the spirit of the game!" Gabriel said with a frown.

Sam sighed and said, "I don't know, strawberry?"

"Hmmm... Interesting..." The archangel mused lightly. "Now you ask me something."

Sam furrowed his eyebrows and grumbled, "I don't even know what the fuck to ask an archangel...."

"Just ask me anything! The first thing that comes to you mind." Gabriel said as he waited.

Sam looked down at the table in embarrassment as something popped into his mind.

Gabriel immediately recognized the hunter's change in attitude and leaned forward excitedly. On the edge of his seat as he waited to hear what Sam was going to ask him.

However, Sam stayed quiet. He was too scared to voice his question out loud.

"Come on Sammich! What is it?" Gabriel urged the hunter.

Sam's lips parted as his eyes stayed fixed on bead of condensation running down his glass. "W-why me? Why did you pick to go out with me... Out of everyone you could have been with... why me?"

One Sam finished talking, he looked up and his dark chocolaty green and brown eyes met Gabriel shining golden ones.

Gabriel smiled lightly and said, "You're special Sam. You opened my eyes to the real world."

Sam flushed a darker shade of red and listened to Gabriel's voice, which was smooth and silky as a jar of honey.

"You made me realize that I didn't have to hide from my family anymore and that there were people down here who care. You lifted the haze from my eyes." Gabriel continued.

Sam smiled brightly at the archangel though his face felt like it was on fire from embarrassment.

Gabriel then smirked and added, "You having a nice ass also helped."

Sam threw his hands up incredulously as he laughed loudly. Leave it to Gabriel to ruin such a sweet moment with a stupid ass comment.

"Whatever Gabriel." Sam said chuckling. "It's your turn."

Gabriel winked at Sam and asked, "What flavor do you prefer? Cherry, blue raspberry, watermelon, or strawberry?"

"Flavor of what?" Sam asked as he stared laughing again.

"It doesn't matter what it is, you just have to pick your favorite."

Sam arched his eyebrows and said, "Blue-Raspberry...."

Gabriel thought about Sam's answer and said, "Okay... It's your turn."

"I think our food might be coming." Sam said as he looked at a waitress coming out of the kitchen area.

"Ask another question! Hurry!" Gabriel said as he egged him on.

"Uhhhh..." Sam wracked his brain quickly and blurted out, "Heaven or Earth, which do you prefer?"

"That's an easy one." Gabriel scoffed. "Definitely earth. You're down here."

Sam looked at the archangel lovingly and wondered how he had gotten such a sweet, yet sometimes annoying, and unpredictably amazing boyfriend like Gabriel.

"My turn." Gabriel said excitedly as he glanced at the waitress who was getting closer and closer. He obviously wanted to get this question out before anyone came over to their table.

Sam looked back over to the archangel to say something but he stopped short. His eyes widened in shock as he watched Gabriel slide from his chair and sink down into his knee in front of Sam.

Gabriel took the hunters hand and looked lovingly into his eyes. Sam was too shocked to say anything as he watched Gabriel.

A blue-raspberry ring pop suddenly appeared in Gabriel hand as he said, "My question for you is just one thing. Sam Winchester, will you marry me?"

All around them people in the restaurant had frozen and fallen silent as they stared at Sam and Gabriel, all of them at a complete loss for words.

It seemed as if the air was filled with a dry tension as if they were all waiting for Sam's answer.

Sam opened his mouth and grasped for words. After what felt like years he finally managed to say, "Absolutely. It would make me the happiest man alive to marry you."

Some of the people around the room scowled in disgust and distaste while others made 'awing' sounds and began to clap.

Gabriel slipped the blue-raspberry ring pop onto Sam's finger and rose up to kiss his new fiancée on the lips.

"I love you so much Gabriel." Sam whispered against the archangel's lips.

"I love you too Samsquatch. More than you know."

The rest of the evening felt like a dream to Sam. Him and Gabriel had a wonderful meal and celebrated their engagement together as they thought about how their lives were going to change now.

They both knew that everything was going to be so much different now and they couldn't wait to see where these new roads were going to lead them this time.

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