Promises (Destiel)

497 36 6

Requested by Sadiecandykane on instagram

Prompt: Dean and Cas are little kids and they agree to marry each other when they are older.

The two of them were out behind their preschool. This was their favorite part of the day. Usually, the two five year olds would spend their whole day going on countless adventures, while pretending that they were pirates or astronauts. They could spend hours together just playing away.

Today however, the two of them were sitting under their favorite willow tree eating ring pops. Their teachers had been nice today and given everyone a treat for behaving so well.

"What flavor is yours?" Cas asked as he leaned over to inspect the green ring pop on Dean's chubby little finger.

"Watermelon." Dean chirped as he looks down at the sugary treat. "Wanna taste?" Dean asked as he offered his hand out to Cas so he could try it.

Castiel's face brightened immediately as he said, "I like that flavor."

Dean nodded eagerly and asked, "Which one do you have?"

"Boo Berry." Cas said, mispronouncing the word blue as he spoke.

"Can I try yours?" Dean asked curiously.

Cas nodded happily and then held his own hand out to Dean.

Dean giggled and tasted Castiel's ring pop. "I like yours too."

Afterwards both boys lay back against the tree, their shoulder touching and their heads resting against one another. Silently they watched the other preschoolers running around, playing tag and hide and seek while they continued to eat their candy.

"Hey Dean..." Cas asked after most of his ring pop had been eaten.

"Hmm?" Dean replied sleepily. He was pretty sure that it was almost naptime. Dean wanted to go back inside so him and Cas could snuggled up on the mats and sleep. That's what they normally did during naptime until their parents came to pick them up.

"What if we got married?" Cas asked, turning his head to look at Dean.

Dean pushed his lips out into a pout and said, "But we can't Cas..."

Castiel's eyes grew big and dewy as he asked, "You don't love me?"

Dean blinked quickly as at his friend's reaction so he explained, "Of course I love you Cas, but we're too young to get married."

Cas stopped to consider what Dean had said as his face filled with understanding. "You're right. How old do you have to be to get married Dean?"

Dean shrugged and said, "Old enough to do the kissy thing I think. That's what my mommy and daddy do and they are married."

"Okay." Cas said with a yawn. After his yawn, Cas asked, "Will you marry me when we can do the kissy thing?"

"Of course. You're my bestest friend ever." Dean replied with a smile.

"Good, you're my bestest friend too." Cas said happily. The he added, "Here take this ring so we never break our promise." Cas then handed the empty base of his ring pop ring over to Dean.

Dean took the base from Cas and then handed Cas his own green base. After they each put on their new rings Dean said, "Now let's go inside. I'm sleepy."

"Me too." Cas said as he rubbed his tired eyes.

Then the two boys stood and waddled inside to go take their long overdue nap.

Fifteen years later Dean stared into those same blue eyes as they glistened with tears.

They stood together under the alter only minutes away from finally fulfilling that promise they made to each other as little kids.

Their eyes never left each other's faces even as the ring bearer walked towards them.

Neither man knew what their ring look liked. They had both sworn to keep it a secret from the other.

Both of them nearly doubled over with laughter when they finally turned to look at the ring bearer and saw two simple ring pops sitting on a small black satin pillow.

A blue one for Dean, and a green one for Cas, just like they had when they were little.

They always say that great minds think alike.

Once they picked up their respective rings the two of them drowned out their surroundings. The placed the reach on each other's fingers carefully in turn as they each whispered quiet oaths filled with unending love and adoration for the other.

Dean couldn't have been happier when they finally kissed and sealed the deal. They barely heard the applause coming from their guests. Even after the broke their kiss neither man wanted to let go of the other.

"I love you Dean." Cas whispered as his hands dropped to clutch tightly at Deans.

"I love you too Cas." Dean breathed back as he squeezed Castiel's fingers.

Now the two of them could spend the rest of their tomorrows together until the end of time.

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