Keep you warm (Destiel)

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"Sam can you go get me a black coffee? I'm am beat, but we still have a lot to do." Dean asked his brother while Cas at beside him.

Sam grumbled but still got up and walked toward the bunker kitchen none the less.

From the corner of his eye Dean caught Castiel shiver. "You cold?” Dean asked

"Just a little, but I'm okay." The angel replied.

"Come over here" Dean said as he motioned for Cas to scoot closer.

Cas quickly followed the commanded scooted just a little closer.

Dean look at the angel, he was still too far away. He set the papers in his hand down and said, "No, I meant like this."

Dean then proceeded to throw his arm around the angel’s firm shoulders and tug him into his side. Cas gave a small surprised yelp but snuggled into Dean's warmth.

When Sam came back into the room with Dean's coffee he found his brother and Cas both huddled together asleep on the couch. He quietly left the room so they could sleep in peace.

God knows that both of them needed all the rest that they could get.

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