Wounded (Destiel)

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Cas had gotten a nasty wound on his shoulder during their hunt.

There was blood all over the place and Dean was really worried.

"Cas, buddy, please let me patch this up for you."

"I'm fine Dean I heal on my own." The angel insisted.

"But there's blood everywhere and you're gonna bleed out if you don't heal soon!" Dean protested.

Cas pursed his lips and said, "Will that make you feel better Dean."

"Yes, a lot better."

"Fine I'll let you fix it." Cas mumbled.

While Dean went to go get a needle Cas shed his shirt and waited for Dean to return.

When he did come back to the angel’s side he nearly stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of Castiel’s bare chest.

Dean shook his head and forced himself to focus on the task at hand. This was important.

Dean quickly set to work with the needle as and thread apologizing when felt Cas twitch in pain.

When the hunter finished, Cas turned to face him. Dean noted that Cas was just a little too close.

They stared into each other’s eyes, frozen and wondering what to do next.

It was Cas who decided their next move as he leaned in and pulled a hungry kiss from Dean's lips.

They quickly deepened the kiss; getting lost in the feel of each other’s split slicked lips.

Neither of them heard the motel door open, but what they did hear was Sam as he slammed it shut in embarrassment.

Dean chuckled lightly and said "I guess we were caught." Then pulled Cas back in for another kiss.

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