Peace Out Bitches

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Okay so I wrote this like five billion years ago (Okay not really, but I wrote it like two days after the last episode with Charlie in it, Dark Prisoner I think was the name of the episode... (Idk this whole idea just came to me all at once and I was like OMG I GOTTA WRITE THIS DOWN SOMEWHERE) Anyways, I know its been a while since that episode aired, but I've been on and off editing this fic/poem thing as a tribute to her name cause I love her so much. I knew I had to give her my final farewells (Tho I don't honestly believe she is gone. I think she's coming back, it is supernatural after all and no one ever really stays dead) So anyways, I had this finished long before the season ten finale aired,(I finished it like the same day I wrote it... So I've had this on the list of things to post for a very long time) and like 98% of the wording is the same as it was the very first day I wrote it. When I looked back at it today to finish the final editing on it I laughed at some of the wording I happened to choose because of what happened in the finale and all, so I just kinda found it ironic.

Anyways, I wanted to post this little ficlet so long ago, but it never sounded completely right to me... I needed this to be perfect. However, now I think I've finally got it right. So, without further adieu here is my tribute to the late Charlie Bradbury, my queen and favorite female character/actress ever.


Nerd, geek, friend, sister, family

She started out as nothing more than a tool used only to win a violent fight

It was more than clear that she was just a geek always lost in that fantasy world of hers

She was shy and awkward, uncomfortable in her own skin

She had no family left and nowhere left to run while forced to live within a lie

Fake name, fake story, fake smile, fake life, just living this lie to escape the pain of her past

Lost and broken she had almost hit her final wall

That's when we came in we showed her a new type of hell

We opened her eyes and showed her all of the unreal

With fear and pain we scared her off

We thought that we had seen the last of her

But like people always do, she came back and fought for the two of us

Tired of the lack of thrill in her life she tagged along for the mystery and the adventure but stuck around for the family that she had found

She wanted to live a life much like her favorite story book characters did

This girl wanted more than an average life could offer

She sought out magic and fantasy to drown herself in

As she grew together with us she helped with our cause and soon wanted to become something much more to us

As time passed on she became family in the Winchester's eyes

They even learned of her very dark past but still loved her the same

As Dean once said, she was like the little sister he had never wanted

They all loved each other and would give up the world for them, a special bond of love held between the three

Even Cas came to love her when the two finally met, though he may have been taller than she had initially thought

Their strange little family, it was far from perfect

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