Have a Drink on Me (Destiel)

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He entered the bar after a long day. All Cas wanted was a drink or two and a good night’s sleep.

He walked up to the bar and sat down tiredly on the stool, running his fingers through his messy wind strewn hair as he waited for service. He didn't normally drink much, but today he just needed to take the edge off.

A thick, dark, charming voice that sounded like smooth leather called Castiel's attention and asked, "So what can I get you tonight handsome?"

Cas looked up, half expecting to see a girl despite the deep voice.

Instead of a girl, Cas found himself nearly face to face with a man leaning up against the counter lightly.

It was the bartender.

This man had delicate pattern of intricate tattoos that climbed up both his arms and peaked out from under his tight, well fitted t-shirt.

The tattoos were simply amazing and Cas couldn't help but stare in awe.

Cas also noted each glinting piercing that the man dawned. There were five silver rings in all. Two at the bottom of one ear, the other ear had one at the bottom of his ear and one at the top and the final piercing was a nose piercing. Cas could help but think about how each piercing made him increasingly more attractive.

The bartender’s glorious green eyes shone brightly as he looked at him, his teeth glinting lightly as he smiled at Cas. 

"I’ll just a beer." Cas found himself replying in a daze. He was transfixed by this man and he didn’t even know his name yet.

“Alright, I’ll be right back with then.” Cas heard Dean say, watching his perfect lips form every word. When he looked up to meet his brilliant green eyes again, Cas received a wink in return.

Castiel felt his heart racing and his breathing become shallow. This man was going to give him a heart attack. As he left, Cas watched him go, taking note of the tight fitted pants that defined his ass so clearly.

What seemed like only seconds later, the bartender returned and placed the beer on the counter.

“On the house.” The man said with a seductive smile.

“T-thanks…” Cas managed to stutter.

He quickly took a swig from the bottle and looked back up at the bartender. He was still there, just watching him drink his beer.

“So, what do they call you? I haven’t seen you here before.” The bartender asked as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip.

“C-Castiel. My name is Castiel, but my friends usually call me Cas.” Castiel’s eyes followed the path of Dean’s tongue longingly.

“Do I get to call you Cas?” Dean asked with a smirk.

“Y-yeah, uh… sure, I-if you want too.” Cas said as his heart raced faster.

“What about angel? Can I call you that? You look like an angel who’s just fallen from heaven.” Dean asked winking again.

Cas flushed bright red as he stammered for the right words.

“Do I make you nervous?” Dean asked with a wicked smile when Cas said nothing.

“O-of course not…” Cas whispered as he quickly took another sip from the bottle.

The bartender smirked and said, "I'm Dean by the way."

Cas nodded and gave him a polite smile. "Thanks for the drink Dean."

"Anything for you angel." Dean murmured lightly.

Castiel's face flushed red and he looked down at his hands.

“So, what brings you out here tonight?” Dean asked after a minute of silence between them.

"Long day..." Cas said with a defeated sigh. "I don't normally drink but I needed something to take the edge off."

Dean shifted slightly, leaning in just a hair as he offhandedly asked, "Girl problems?"

Cas shook his head. "Nah, nothing like that... I don't exactly swing that way... My problems are more due to work. My boss is a dick."

It was Dean's turn to flush red and stammer slightly said, "Ah, I-sorry. Didn't mean to intrude..."

Cas looked up at the red-faced man. Maybe he had guessed wrong about Dean's sexuality. Cas hadn’t originally planned on saying anything about it to him, but something had told him he should. "No, don't apologize. I've come to terms with what I am. I just forget that the subject makes people uncomfortable sometimes." Cas said as he tried to brush the subject off completely.

Dean's eyes widened in shock, "Oh no angel, you're reading me all wrong. I just didn’t think you were… I mean I hoped… but my life doesn’t exactly work out like that….”

Cas took in a sharp intake of breath. Did Dean just say what Cas thought he said?

This was not happening to him. He couldn’t have finally met a hot, cool guy who was actually liked him could he have?… That only happened to the lucky people in the world, which was defiantly not him… “Are you…?” Cas trailed off, not knowing how to finish his question.

Dean smiled sheepishly as confirmation and said, “You know… my shift ends in half an hour… If you want to stick around… maybe we could hang or something…”

Cas beamed. “I would like that very much.”

A relieved smile crossed over Dean’s face as he said, “I was hoping you would say that. There is so much that I want to know about you angel.”

Cas arched his eyebrows and said, “Oh yeah? Like what?”

Dean winked and said, “Everything. I want to know everything about you.”

As Cas stared into Dean’s twinkling green eyes a woman approached the counter and signaled for Dean to come get her a new drink.

Cas saw the slight line of annoyance that twitched at the corner of Dean’s mouth as he glanced at the woman then back at Cas. “Half an hour. Then we can get out of here. Just half an hour.”

With that, Dean left Cas with his beer and went to tend to the other customers.

Cas took in a deep breath of air and slowly let it out. As he did this it seemed like all the pieces of his world were finally clicking into place all at once. Everything in his life finally felt right for once. Maybe it would even stay like that! One could only hope right?

Cas knew that half an hour was seem like years of waiting to him. He wanted have Dean all to himself now! Maybe he would even get to see some of those tattoos under his shirt too later on.

Cas shook his head. He couldn’t be thinking like this yet, At least not until he had Dean all alone. He hated waiting…

However, Cas knew that he would wait for the green eyed bartender forever if he had too.

 He couldn’t just leave someone as perfect as him. He just couldn’t.

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