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Whiskey only numbs the pain for a little while.

Eventually as the numbness fades and the weight comes back I feel the world on my shoulders again.

It always comes back like a steel knife to the heart. It always comes back a thousand times worse.

I suppose one day I just stop and give in to the pain. Maybe one day I'll just give in to the voice calling my name.

But for now, I've got people to live for. I've got people who need me.

Right now, there are people I need to save.

I have to remember; their life before my life. Their pain before my pain. Their hardships before my hardships.

I am nothing but a meaningless speck in this world, but I somehow make my worth by saving others.

So, I guess I'll always be here. There's always someone left to save and something left to kill. Stopping the pain of others seems to help numb mine at times even if it is just for a little bit.

Sometimes that's all I need.

I just have to remember to never stop fighting.

I can't ever give up this battle no matter how much it hurts.

I need to stay here for them. There are people who need me so I can't ever stop fighting.

My Name is Dean Winchester, I was once a pure righteous man, now all that is left behind is a sad broken shell of the man I once was. The world I once loved is the very same one that broke my spirit and destroyed my life.

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