Coffee shop (Destiel)

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It was an unusually slow day at the coffee shop. This place was usually packed with customers on any typical Saturday afternoon, but so far there had only been a handful of customers.

Cas sighed, leaning up against the tall metal counter as he tried to think of something to pass the time. So far, he wasn't having much luck. He had been standing in that same position for close to twenty minutes already and unless he got another customer, Cas didn't plan on moving anytime soon.

Castiel's eyes trailed slowly across the shelves and at the empty tables out on the coffee shop floor. There were only two people in here at the moment, two women who had come in at separate times, school bags in hand as they ordered their coffee. They had both tried their hand at flirting with him lightly while they ordered, but Cas wasn't really in the mood today so they had both given up pretty quickly. Normally, Cas would have eagerly flirted back and possibly even gotten their numbers, but he was too tired for that today. He was the kinda guy who swung either way person regardless of their gender or sexuality, but it was the end of the week and Cas was just ready to go home already.

Now, both girls were sitting on opposite side of the room typing away on their computers, probably working on college essays or something. Cas didn't really care, he just wanted something interesting to happen.

He hated working at this damn coffee shop, it was boring and uneventful, not to mention that he always got the shitty hours. Since Cas attended classes at his local college, he always had to work late or on the weekends like today. More often than not, Cas actually found himself working alone. Everyone else who worked here took late classes or weekend classes at the local college so they could work all the best shifts at the coffee shop. Whenever he wasn't working alone Cas usually had to work with a guy named Michael. Cas swore that the kid always had a friggin stick up his ass and he followed every rule down to the T.

Cas really wanted to quit and find somewhere else to work, but his massive pile of student loans and other expenses were holding him hostage. Quitting was totally out of the picture.

He was studying to be a nurse, which had always been his dream job. He still three more years left until he could finally get his degree. Then he could really look for a better job. He only hopped that working at this coffee shop wouldn't drive him crazy first.

His first year here had already been pretty fucking crazy. His boss Crowley was a hard ass and always ragged on Cas about stupid shit. He ran this place kinda like he was the king of the world. Cas couldn't stand his boss, but at least he paid well.

Cas glanced at his watch, it was only 11:30 which meant he still had five and a half more hours of work. Cas wished that he could be like other 19 year olds and actually go out and have fun on his Saturdays. Instead, was here serving up coffee to other college students who were power writing essays or cramming for tests.

Cas wished that he could have at least been working with someone. That would make the day go a little faster. He would even work with Michael at this point just so he would have someone to talk to.

Cas pressed his palms into his eyes and tried to rub away the sleeping boredom that was filling him. As he let out another deep sigh Cas heard the bell over the door chime.

Maybe finally he would get some business.

When Cas looked up, he was surprised to see his boss Crowley walk into the building. Instantly Cas straightened up and tried to look like he was doing something.

Behind him, Cas heard Crowley speaking to someone. Cas didn't recognize the voice, but it was a very deep male voice.

"Castiel." Crowley called his name and Cas finally turned around the face the newcomers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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