Best Bet (Sabriel)

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Art by Andlatitude on Tumblr

"This place has the best pancakes ever!" Gabriel insisted as he watched the waitress walking towards them, two plates in her hand.

Sam smiled and said, "I'll just have to test that theory won't I."

"I guess you will" Gabriel said with a wink.

They had a bet with each other on who could find the best restaurant. So far, Gabriel was winning even though Sam kept denying it. 

A plate of short stacks was set in front of each of them, steaming and making their mouths water.

Gabriel immediately dug in and took a big bite, emphasizing the noises of pleasure. Sam squirmed in his seat and glared at Gabriel. Why did he have to do this in a restaurant?

As payback Sam shoved a forkful of food into his mouth too and made loud moaning noises as the soft bready food melted on his tongue.

Gabriel was right these pancakes were pretty amazing.

People around them began to stare as their noises got louder and louder.

Sam finally realized this fact and flushed bright red. "Gabe, you want to finish this later, people are staring."

The archangel immediately shut up and ate the rest of his pancakes in silence.

"So, you were right these pancakes are the best." Sam said as he neared the bottom of his own stack. Gabriel smirked and was about to mock Sam, but the hunter spoke up again. "However, I know something better than this."

Gabriel arched his eyebrows and said, "Oh yeah? What?"

Sam smirked and winked suggestively as he said, "I'll have to show tonight. I'm sure you won't mind."

Gabriel smirked and bit back another moan as he said, "You might have just won our little bet Samsquatch."

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