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He clears his throat, "umm umm hm", and then in a frivolous yet orotund voice as his has always been, he starts to recite, "Hey girl, don't you hate when destiny plays foul games with you till the very end of your story only to give you a happy ending?

Sometimes I feel I should have had been the free-willed being who has control over their life, these sort of people often turn to be the villains. Unfortunately, the public never supports them. I wonder what would have happened if they had known about him.

Maybe he was right, but we still had to cut that notorious turning tail, otherwise, it would have wreaked havoc. And do I hate that word? You bet I do!". Ah! Still, that naughty lousiness in his voice, filled with humor.

Anyways, Life would have had been much easier to live if someone chose the path of a villain. No one told me what that word means for a long time, see the play the destiny there? If I had seen a bad person earlier in my life rather than being surrounded by sweet little souls", his tone of mockery for the latter.

"I wouldn't have had a happy ending given the fact. But at least I would have lived a life of my wish. Anyway, I guess I never had any particular desire in life, so not my fault here. But damn that destiny! You want to hear a story about what destiny did to someone I know?". 

For a while, he gets no reply. Ultimately, he announces, "let me tell you the story of the strongest kyle alive! ..."

Everything is slowed down to a very minimal radar as if the bird is flying, but very casually, the winds flowing at a rapid pace, and he can recognize the fact better than everyone else, at least he can detect the leaves swindling and dancing to every single beat of the wind.

Jon Orient, a nine-year-old kid dressed in a white short kurta and pajama, is sitting on the top of a hill, surrounded by tree bushes. He clenches his fists hard as he admires the nature in front of him. The leaf's movement is slowed by the wind's flow and rain droplets. "The weather is normal," adds a man wearing gleaming goggles. Jon nods.

A sweet kid in a black full-bodysuit and straight bangs joins them, the man behind them alarms, "slow down, kamaya. Be careful."

As both the kids have a chat, the old man smiles. He then vanishes in the blink of an eye, leaving kamaya and Jon alone. They both have an ice-cream cone in their hands each. Kamaya wraps his arm around Jon's neck, Jon glares at him, Kamaya gives a smile. When kamaya smiles his eyes are almost close and the dimples cover both his cheeks. The smile is infectious. 

"You sweat Kamaya; don't you know that. So now remove that hand." Why is Jon so sarcastic and savage? Instead of getting offended, kamaya rubs his cheek against Jon's cheek. His smile doesn't fade away.

"How's your speed?" he asks in the sweetest and the most concerned, decent voice one can hear. Again, his smile remains on his face when he talks. "I am trying to work, just like you. Shut that smile Kamaya... You are the only person whose portrait I can make. You move so slow at times that I can literally see an image. You become so stationary."

"It's my smile" excuses Kamaya in a juvenile tone.

It is already dusk and a levitating light is shining over them. Both Kamaya and Jon get off the trees, "so, will you use ken?" asks Kamaya. "I see no harm, but only if you will use yours", Jon bows at this one for no reason. "You know I am good to go even without activating ken,", Kamaya tells confidently. "Ah, I wish if we could use ken all the time. It's tough activating it. The only place where I sense everything at its normal" sighs Jon.

Kamaya yawns with his little paw covering the mouth (no he is not a dog), his robe seems to be loose for his size, the way it covers the hand tells so. Now that he has stopped yawning, he sees Jon disgusting him, "what?!" he complains. Jon says nothing, instead, he expresses a thought that has been bugging him, "ah, I wish I never needed to activate the ken".

TO CUT A TURNING TAILWhere stories live. Discover now