40). Fate

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As they all lie next to the heap of dust. They continue spewing each other rather than caring about what just happened. Connell looks around, there was a glimpse of a tigress she last saw, but it is no more visible. Instead, she can hear a heavy weapon cutting past the wind. She looks up, it's Jon flashing here and there and mocking Zenith. Ah, the hiddenstone is being clobbered by a chain. Jon lands on the ground, his Strine disappears. Instead of the yellow sweater, his robe reappears.

"I can't anymore, I used ken without it as well" he sighs amid a terror of exasperation. Suddenly, Zenith leaps at Connell who was distracted by Jon's whining. Connell rapidly brings her leg in the air to kick Zenith in the crotch, "don't!" shouts Jon. "I tried it, my legs hurting because of that! Even after the Strine costume". Right now, Jon looks like a cartoon given that his entire body is covered in a jumpsuit and mask whilst he is acting like an anxious kid.

Marubi gets up, Zenith's eyes locked at them. A sun of positive affirmation is rising in front of their eyes. But the dusk takes its place instantly. The heavy footsteps of berserk elephants reappear. Jon contemplates a few measures. To close his wide astonished eyes, he bangs his head. But Marubi and Connell take a stance, "he is getting weak from using the energy to manipulate these elephants. After all, it's his brainpower being used to execute them. Their speed is increased because he did something", Jon points it out through telepathy.

"No! they have devices filled in the animal. Mia told me that! That's what Hook and everyone else believes." "And what about his armor or whatever hardness is surrounding him." Rather than chatting anymore, Marubi starts to whistle. The chains reappear in the hands of both the youngsters. Similarly, a thorned ball of decent size appears in Marubi's hands with the chain as a mediator. All of three them rush towards Zenith, Marubi's Strine dress converts into the tracksuit as he leaps, Connell stays in the costume.

Two chains bang at Zenith's upper body, one of them flashing. And then there is Marubi crouching, his chain ball nudging at Zenith's legs. Suddenly, the size of the chain ball inflates. With the maximized ball's attack, a spew of blood spits out of Zenith's mouth. A cracking sound comes out of his body. His body starts to contort and mangle.

Both the chain users stop right there. Their eyes rheumatic as they look at their feeble opponent. Jon is standing behind Zenith. A big wrecking ball enters the frame and smashes the hiddenstone's head. Blood ruptures into the air and Jon stands there with a deadpanned expression. Connell is staring at her chain rather than at the incident. Suddenly, Jon's eyes widen. He sees the marks on Zenith's back indicate something, they look like the word "Sacrifice". "We're stuck in an ambush!" he shouts.


Connell's hand is pressing a trigger. She is holding a gun and is firing all of its shots at Zenith, who is already dead from the first shot. "But wasn't it like that; guns had long gone from this world?" Jon gravely asks to Connell. He immediately comes back to his senses and starts sprinkling something over Zenith. His body had started defragmenting from the throat but the sprinkled substance miraculously stopped it.

"Bullets were long gone, including nukes and every other substance of such sort. Only weapons like swords and daggers and bow-arrow were used. Because if anyone tries to attack someone with something like an arrow, we'll know in seconds and have a chance to save them. But with tiny bullets of any kind, it's freaking tough. The same goes for those deep sheeted nukes, less tough to decipher, but again, a god damn mess. And their speed..."

"Wait, where did her mask go?" asks Connell. "It was refuelling. He took too much of it to help talk to me and observe this piece of animal (Zenith). He helped me keep calm during those blasts, if he hadn't, you'd have had to bring out your Ken." Every single line he just said with a mean attitude makes Connell uncomfortable, "what do you mean?" she asks gravely.

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