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It looks like an ominous night; the crows have already come to caw and Kunchies and flies are making an incentive for themselves. Almost everything has been cleared off, a stone oscillates and knocks one of the trees. "Hi, what's with that?" talks down Mrs. Moanna. The boy quivers, to console him, Joanna chaperones with a hunch, "you know, you have a good hand. You can be a great artist or sportsperson I guess." However, Phoenix is less concerned, the adults drag him and his sleeping sister to their purple sedan and sit in. Car revs, they drive away.

 Up ahead their way, as they leave the forest area at full speed, they reach a roundabout of a circle filled with rings of road/charcoal pathways. Of course, it is the famous roundabout from where Connell and Lovi once travelled to a mission's spot. Many a time, the other kyles use it as well. 

Phoenix is in admiration of this place, observing at his intrigue, Joanna recites in disquisition, "It's a vast valley with tangible roads leading to the exteriors of the places, there is a valley at the center of the city which has roads overlapped onto one another in a subtle, smooth, and cautious sense, these lanes mostly end at the walls of the valleys where they lead to a tunnel. Much like, these lanes form several rings, every ring attached to at least two tunnel roads probably. The tunnel openings are marked by metal circular borders that have little spores and switches (like a fan's meter). 

These tunnels led to exteriors, at these exteriors are the residential areas. Besides that, there are tunnels inside the walls of this valley that go to several other residential areas and workplaces. This roundabout which looks like a bullring is the most famous way of transport that people have been using since the time when teleporters weren't that easily available or were still in making. The circular borders on the gates of these tunnels are teleporting rings. 

The bullring is situated at the center of the terrestrial land and can be used as transport for anyone. You can use a car, walk, or even use a dime to get teleported away. All you have to do is show the coin at the teleporting ring of your colony, from there, you'd be teleported to this roundabout, now just aim a green laser (which everyone owns) at the tunnel of the colony you desire to enter... You're there! Well, the other way is without the rings. Ride up the roundabout, you see these teleporting rings. They are also like gates. I mean, they can be considered so. As they embark on the opening to their respective colonies. This roundabout connects all the colonies. See, it's such an overlapped one". Ah, Phoenix is making so many grumpy faces that Joanna demoralizes and looks back upfront.

The car drives to one of the lanes and rolls down till they turn to a beautiful tunnel. Somehow, as they enter the tunnel, they see a fast few flashes of blue and orange colour for a very slight minute. Little Moanna blinks her eyes and looks all around. The next thing they know, they are driving in a singular lane that covers a distance of kilometers as if this tunnel is a teleportation device. 

As they reach the lane, Joanna remarks, "uh, I just wish we don't have to see those colourful flashes every single time we teleport," she rubs her eyes. Moanna, who is on the wheels, looks at her pal and asserts, "Woman, I just hope someone makes these teleporters work even better one day. I guess this change will come soon". Both the ladies nod in positivity.

Ahead of them is an unending lane. My god, it's one long lane. It has a big palace-like three-story residence covering the entire end of one perimeter and a lavish bijou American-style school on the other side. Both the sides have the same tag, a beautiful calm breeze is their logo and a sketch-portrait of a woman in her late teens and a boy in his mid-teens is made on it, the logo spells its name as "The Highwater". These Highwater's were a couple who established the Highwater colony. Joanna and Moanna drag the siblings into the place.


The room has a dark and eerie aura, it's a concrete prison cell with no window. Snores and knocks are the only voices filling the room, leaning at the edge of the wall is a lean figure in his 20s, his lush black hair falling over his eyes and falling to his shoulders from the back. Dark red blood bleeding out of his neck. He is wearing a chic purple crop-top a with white sleeve design. His long strands of hair fall all over the face and a similar purple lowers cover his legs.

Those knocks suddenly stop, thudding, stomping, and squealing begin in place of them. The door to the cell opens and a man with a pompadour, it's Elijah! He approaches this body; a woman follows him in. They both crouch to the dead body's height, the woman checks the nerves of this boy. She brings out a machine in the shape of a leaf and places it at several parts of his body. 

This leaf has a digital screen, two bars on it, a pink and a blue. Above them, there is a green one, the first top show mediocre and low, the green one shows ninety-nine percent. "He's probably dead!" the woman exclaims in panic. Elijah bumps the man as many times as possible. Nothing happens. 

He bends down further and peeps at the man's face, it has a severe innocence and gloominess on his face. The face is somewhat hidden in the darkness of the cell but those almond eyes are surely intimidating. Elijah pities him and they walk out. He flicks at his left-hand wrist and says, "Hey, he's dead."


At the very end of a tunnel, very closely observing the little metal hinges and switches of this shinning perimeter of the circular opening, is an overwhelmed Mr. Dicker, the paranoid minister. Gawking at the details of this teleportation device from the open view of his car. "Finally!" he squeaks. "I knew it would exorcise his spirit!", he revs his automatic, cool vehicle, and with a whistle, without teleportation, he is gone.

 He stops right outside a big white building with solid light blue-colored square boundaries of all the windows. This building is alluring even in a dark isolated region. Just a kilometer ahead, Mr. Dicker is resting his feet on the dashboard, the lights of the speedometer and the front settings shinning in bright yellow that means the car is still switched on. He falls off his seat and almost onto the ground when his cushioned oblong footpad/stepper, emerges from within the body of the car and he rests on it with exclamations and moans. 

"You worked hard Dicker; tomorrow is another stalling. After all, you work for the people. But don't forget to take time out for yourself" he confesses to himself, comfortingly looking at the stars. He sings "Let me sleep under the blanket of the stars tonight!". He tilts his body to the left, facing the car gate in front of him. He uneasily shifts his stationary self and calmly tries to sleep. He hears footsteps, he tries to sense them calmly. Is it an animal? Or a human? Is someone surprising me!? The last one's a squeak in his mind. Someone pats at him.

Under the moonlight, dew grass, and lush green trees dim aura, Dicker's rumbling and screaming are aching Zenith's ears. Do you remember the man with the crop top chic dress who just died? It's probably, the same clothes and hickey on the neck. But the face is now visible, and it's unquestionably Zenith. Zenith- the man in the purple crop top who was dead a few seconds ago. 

Zenith is crouching to Dicker's face. He is discriminatingly observing Dicker. He has wrapped his hair into folds from the bottom, a four-ringed rubber band divides his beautiful hair into tiny little braids and his front hair is set down. 

"You're alive?!", Dicker screams in shock. Zenith ignores him, he starts approaching the car. He sits in it and with a grin, he shows Dicker the keys he subtly stole from his pockets. Dicker knows what that keynote stands for and he starts running away. In a few seconds, the car starts burning with Zenith in it.

"Hey Dicker, you're a good man. I heard from someone that there was a time when people lived a very dishonest and lazy life and worked for money. It's great to see you and your friends, in fact, our entire roots aren't like that. But I am sorry, I turned out like this. Blame my aunt for this. But unfortunately, you don't even know her. Hey, whatever it is. Here comes my parting gift, I just wanted to do something mischievous, just like my idol, Lord Trigain.

 (Lord Trigain is the younger sister of the blue god, she is known as the goddess of mischief and peace. Her story was inspired by Larcs and written by Buzz with different hopes and is made a ship of the words try again. Larcs and buzz were two of the founding people of the new world; disciples of Anbu) 

"Goodbye, my friend. I wish I had the guts to kill you." Zenith gets out of the car and brings a pen from his pocket. He makes a circle with its help; a portal appears in front of him. What next? He walks away from there.

Minutes after, Dicker slams a book to the table and a tear trickle by its side. "I'll miss him" he cries. Elijah and the old woman are standing behind him, observing his foolish drama. Elijah prefers to ignore this foolish man and contacts, someone, "I'm sorry sir, I should have been more careful. I promise, the next time something like this happens, I'll be harsh on myself". "Like it's possible", Dicker gruesomely comments without even turning his head to Elijah. He immediately turns back and slaps Elijah on the head and goofily walks away.

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