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Standing at the stairs after leaving the janitor alone at the chilly terrace, Deva starts walking down with a deep smile but someone just couldn't bear it. After standing stationary for nearly 53 seconds, Deva's deadpanned expression intensifies. Suddenly, Deva can hear the voice of footsteps, with an intense expression, Deva turns to the voice of footsteps. 

It is none other than the janitor, "hey buddy" Deva greets. The janitor walks down, ignoring this smiling face which looks sketchy. Once the janitor walks away, Deva's eyes turn black with the swirling action, it is to secure the area and not let anyone see him. He did the same to those publishers who wanted to include him in an absurd money-making video. He made them see a very altered ikshana before they can release their footage. Bet that was the use of fright ikshana, not the typical normal one (the sleep ikshana). Anyhow, in a flash, he vanishes. Jumping over bars, his eyes retreat to their normal pose.

Deva is standing at the top of a white cell/ bar. An attractive female in her fifties is walking around in a marron one piece with a black blazer over it. Her hologram is visible to him. But both of Deva's eyes are closed, suddenly, the red graphic of hers fills in with colors. No, she is actually standing inside the tunnel, Deva's eyes remain unbothered, in a bold and deep voice, he asks, "tell me, what is he up to?" "He's dead" she answers.

 "Of course, and I know you don't have any part in any of this. But even you got the idea how smart he was. A man who can ask a commando friend to stay under a disguise to inform him about any sabotage that can happen to his whereabouts can do anything." "How do you know that?" the woman is perplexed. "Well, you can assume I can time travel anytime I want. I know I'm dope". The woman's red graphic hologram reappears. She has walked out of the orient, "Hook could have given me better vivid facilities" he complains out loud. 

The woman who was subconsciously available till now suddenly jolts, she takes an attentive stance and continues to walk away with one hand on her waist and one on her shoulder as if she is tired from work. A voice rings in her ears, "isn't it time for you to go home if he is gone now". Suddenly, the dark clouds befall rain and with no white square light blinking anywhere in the street, it fills with buckets. A slab is elevating along with the woman over it. A smirk appears on her face as she thinks, 'ah, the perfect place for me to fight him if it is Deva', she herself is perplexed by the manly voice's identity. 

She subtly drags both her hands away from their resting places. A big chain just like Jon's appears in her hands, "ah, you know I knew who had the perfect counter attack to it. Again, Cook missed one thing with me." He complains in mutterings. By that time, a chain comes at him, an estimation that the woman played with. However, Deva easily displaces himself from the position, in fact, he even abandons the tunnel. 

Just like Jon, even he is slightly faster than a normal human even without a ken. However, he doesn't have any ken marks, just that his body turns slightly tan. The woman's eyes turn to this figure who has leaped in the air and has a plan to pounder at her with the landing. However, a rusted pink ring comes in front of her eyes.... the woman is lying in a royal room with ancient looks, the last thing she remembers is that someone (Deva) patted her head.

Deva is in a grey confined living hall with a hearth being the only light-emitting altitude; though a hologram is lightened upon it (whenever a registered head or a familiar face is not in the room, the owner of the house can enable a sitting where the unknown face will not be provided with any light, or a signified light will only shine). And then there is Deva, standing over it. Suddenly, the floor beneath him starts rumbling, his eyes widen as if it's a eureka moment for him. He disappears.

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