Chapter 7

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"Koin!!" Akumu, Sakura, and Naruto yell in shock. They watch as the figure lands back on the ground on the opposite side of them holding Koin. Koin struggles to escape the person but fails "Don't fight Koin-sama" said the figure, Koin stops and looks at the figure "Itachi!? What are you doing here!!??" he yells but Itachi just glares at the others before turning his head to Koin "It seems they broke the Jutsu" said Itachi, Koin looks at him "What are you talking about, Ita-" Koin didn't answer as Itachi hits him in the back of his neck making him fall unconscious.

Naruto cursed under his breath, he couldn't rescue his friend and teammate that was right in front of him.

"Itachi...yes... he's...the boy who murdered his entire clan..." said Chiyo while Kakashi and Sakura glared at Itachi but Naruto and Akumu glared at him more with more hatred in their eyes "Long time no see...Kakashi...Naruto" said Itachi, "Who do you think you are!? You kidnap Koin, you come for me, kidnap Gaara...I'm gonna take you down!!" yelled Naruto, his voice filled with hatred.

Itachi raises a brow "Koin wasn't kidnapped, he and Akumu came on their own" he explained, Naruto and Sakura's eyes widened in shock while Akumu looked away knowing what he was going to tell them "What do you mean he went on his own!? Koin-nii would never do that!?" yelled Sakura until she turned her head to Akumu "That can't be true right!? Koin-nii would never do that!!" she yells, Akumu didn't say anything but looked down.

Kakashi watches as Itachi lifts his hand up "NOBODY LOOK DIRECTLY INTO HIS EYES...IT'S DANGEROUS!" Kakashi warned everyone "Then, what are we supposed to do?!" asked Sakura, her attention now on Itachi but avoiding his eyes the best she could. Kakashi didn't say anything for a few seconds "Read his movements by watching his body and footwork. Itachi's genjutsu is ocular just...basically, he seizes his target with his vision. You'll be okay so long as your eyes don't meet his'' explained Kakashi, Sakura moved her eyes to his upper body avoiding his eyes "This is not gonna be easy..." Sakura replies in defeat.

"The Uchiha Clan...I haven't gone up against the sharingan in a long time. But you needn't be afraid" said Chiyo with a calm face, getting Naruto's attention "Several tactics can handle ocular jutsu..." "Well, what do we do?!" asked Naruto "If it's one on one, you definitely run. If it's two on one, go for his back" Chiyo answered "What do you mean, Chiyo?" asked Akumu turning her head to Chiyo "If it's two on one...even if one falls under the genjutsu...they can be released if the other gets behind the enemy and lands a hit. If that doesn't work, you can free your comrades by giving them a whack too. In other words, when you are two or more, one acts as a decoy...then the others attack continuously from the sharingan's blind spot" Chiyo explained.

"I get it..." said Sakura "There's some old age and wisdom for you!" said Naruto with a smirk "Yeah...if it's a regular genjutsu level, that's this guy's case, it's a little more troublesome" said Kakashi getting Chiyo's attention "He uses Mangekyo's more powerful than the original sharingan. If you're caught by his ocular jutsu, he has you instantly. It has nothing to do with whether you can defeat genjutsu or not" explained Kakashi. Naruto's smirk went away "What a nuisance...who is he...?" asked Chiyo.

"Well done, Kakashi, you've learned from experience of Tsukuyomi, the nightmare realm, only once" said Itachi, "That's not all...after using that ocular were spent and tried to wrap things up and leave. That jutsu requires a considerable amount of chakra. And, it seems there's quite a risk to your eyes too...Itachi" said Kakashi "After only one fight...that's a pretty good analysis..." said Itachi, he watches as Kakashi pulls up his headband from his covered eye " much...of your eyesight have you lost?" asked Kakashi.

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