Chapter 41

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The metal of the door creaks as the Anbu opens the door, Koin looks at the small room before walking in, he turns his head to the Anbu "can you take these off, they are starting to bother me" said Koin showing them his still tied up wrist and seal and seal on his rinnegan eye. The Anbu didn't answer closing the door and locking it before leaving, Koin sights until he sits on the ground looking around the empty cell "Could have just said no"


Koin lays on his side facing the wall and his back facing the bars struggling to get the seal and rope off, he wasn't sure how long he had been in the room, a few hours or days but it felt like an eternity of torture. Koin was tired but he didn't stop trying to break free from the seal and rope until he stops hearing a set of footsteps, he listens closely as the footsteps got closer to his cell, unlocked the door, walked inside, and stop almost in front of him but Koin didn't want to see who it was.

"Koin..." said a deep voice, Koin's eyes widened recognizing the voice, Koin turns his head and lifted himself up to sit to see the person in front of him.


Sasuke looks down at Koin with an expressionless face but he had three unfamiliar people behind him, one was a male with straight white hair with a light-blue tint, and almond-shaped purple eyes, he wore a purple sleeveless shirt with blue pants, sandals, and a belt around his waist, and he was holding a water bottle. The second was a female with long spiky hair, crimson eyes, and brown narrow glasses, she wore a lavender sleeve uniform that exposes her navel and short black shorts. And the other was a male that was very tall with orange spike hair, red-orange eyes, he wore a greyish shirt and greenish greyish shorts.

Sasuke turns his head to the three "Leave us, keep an eye out" he ordered, the two males nodded their heads but the female ran to Sasuke hugging his arm tightly and rubbing her cheek on his arm "But Sasuke-kun!! I want to stay with you!!" she whined, Sasuke glares down at her "Now Karin!" Sasuke said almost raising his voice. The female known as Karin lets out a huff letting his arm go "Fine!" she walks out of the cell with both males walking behind her.

Once the three left Sasuke's face completely changes into a worried face running to Koin and hugging him tightly confusing and shocking Koin.

Once the three left Sasuke's face completely changes into a worried face running to Koin and hugging him tightly confusing and shocking Koin

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"I missed you..."

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