Chapter 20

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Koin slowly opens his eyes, he looks around only to see he was in an unfamiliar poorly lit room, the only thing lighting the room was a single candle that was beside him. He slowly got up but almost hissed in pain, he looks down to see he wasn't wearing his cloak or a shirt and had bandages around the wound where he was stabbed, he gets up grabbing the candle. He walks around the room until he sees a grey shirt on a desk waiting for him, he places the candle beside the shirt, examines the shirt before he grabs it, and puts it on but made sure he didn't hurt himself.

He picks up the candle again and looks around again until he found the door. He walks to the door praying to Kami that the door wasn't locked, he puts his hand on the handle and slowly turns it, he sights in relief when the doorknob turned and the door opens. He peeks his head out the door and looks through the halls only to see the hall was also poorly lit with dim lights. "Where am I?" he asked himself looking at the halls. He keeps the candle close since it was still dark and his candle was the only source of light he had, he places his hand in front of the candle making sure the candle didn't go out. He had to admit, he was a bit creeped out.

He stops when he sees the end of the hallway, he continues walking until he stops once he sees a giant stone snake that had candles for eyes, he walks further until he notices a dark figure sitting in front of the snake. He takes a step back when he notices the figure looking at him with red glowing eyes, he watches the figure get up "You're awake" said the figure. Koin didn't say anything to him, he couldn't see his features because it was dark but for some reason, the voice of the figure sounded very familiar to him. Koin summons a black receiver from his hand and aims it at the figure "Who are you!? what is this place?!" he asked glaring at him. The figure didn't answer his question and walked towards him, Koin steps back again still holding his black receiver at him until the figure got closer and closer until he was right in front of him.

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