Chapter 29

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Koin's POV:

I continued to run through the forest with each passing second, ignoring the stinging in my legs and the rest of my body, I wasn't sure how I escaped... must have been luck.


My screams echoed through the whole room while Kabuto smirked down at me, watching me, my entire body was burning but I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move. It felt like hours before I stopped screaming, I was panting heavily while Kabuto was writing something on his clipboard while talking to himself, I couldn't hear what he was saying, the ringing in my ears was loud, too loud for me to hear Kabuto now talking to me, his voice was muffled.

My vision was slowly getting blurry, and my eyelids getting heavy with every second, I heard Kabuto's muffled voice, but I couldn't understand what he was saying until the darkness entirely took over my vision.


I slowly open my eyes, the light above me wasn't on anymore, and the room was dark and silent, Kabuto must have left when I fell unconscious. My whole body was numb now, I placed my hand on my head and that's when I realized it...

my arm was free...

I looked at my arm until I slowly got up, the restraints on my wrists and ankles were cut like something sharp cut them. I looked at my arms and legs, they were covered in bandages, and now I was more confused.

 I looked at my arms and legs, they were covered in bandages, and now I was more confused

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I slowly got off the table, but I fell to my knees, my legs were a bit weak. I used the table as support to help me get up, my legs were shaking a bit. I took small steps to make sure I didn't fall again. Once I was fully sure I ran to the door, I turned the knob, and surprisingly it wasn't locked, I looked at the doorknob, what if it was a trick? a sick game but I didn't sense any chakra nearby.

I quickly open the door only to see a dimly lit hall, I turned my head left and right to make sure Orochimaru or Kabuto wasn't nearby. When I saw it was empty, I quickly started running through the halls hoping to find a way out, but all the hallways were long like a maze leading to nowhere. I wanted to give up, but my legs continued to run, I wasn't sure where I was now but all I thought about was finding the exit. I continued to run, I lost track of time, and I made sure I didn't run into Kabuto or Orochimaru, I slammed open a door only to be met with a bright light. I shielded my eyes from the bright light, and took a few steps to feel something soft, I looked down to see it was grass...I was finally out of the hideout.

Flashback end:

I continued to run, my lungs burning from lack of air, but my legs didn't give up until I tripped on a rock that I didn't notice. I fall to the ground, but I couldn't get up, my body still hurt, my legs were sore now from the running, and I didn't know where I was anymore. I was tired and hungry...maybe if I close my eyes...for just a few minutes I can gather my strength to keep going...just a few wouldn't hurt...right?

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