Chapter 26

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 Koin slowly opens his eyes, his vision was a bit blurry but not long finally focuses, he looks around to realize he wasn't at the hideout anymore but in a different place, he gets up but groans feeling his head throb from pain. He stops when he realized something cold around his wrists, he lifts his wrist up to see cuffs around his wrist "What the hell?" he pulls on them only to see the chains were connected to the wall behind him.

"You're finally awake" he turns his head to see Sasuke sitting in the dark "Have you been there the whole time?" asked Koin, Sasuke didn't answer as he gets up and walks to him, Koin looks back at him, until he remembered what Sasuke said

"I have different bonds now...the bond of hatred between my older brother and me...personal ties cause confusion. Precious memories only make you weak"

He looks down letting his bangs cover his eyes "Is it true?" he asked almost mumbling but loud enough for him to hear, Sasuke looks at him confused "What is true?" "Do you want me to remind you?! 'I have different bonds now...the bond of hatred between my older brother and me...personal ties cause confusion. Precious memories only make you weak'!!" he yells, Sasuke looks at him shocked until he looks away "Did you really mean it Sasuke?" Koin asked but Sasuke didn't answer. 

"What happened to you Sasuke? you changed completely" said Koin, he grips the blanket that was on him, Sasuke didn't answer again making Koin upset until he too looked away "Just get out, I don't want to see you right now" Sasuke shot his head up "Koin..." "I SAID GET OUT!!!" Koin yells as a blast of wind burst around him causing Sasuke to almost fly back. Koin looks at Sasuke shocked and confused by what had happened "Sasuke...I...I didn't mean..." Koin was at a loss for words.

"Orochimaru was right" said Sasuke, loud enough for Koin to hear "What?" asked Koin "You really are in my way" said Sasuke before he takes his necklace ring off and throws it to the ground in front of him, and leaves the room. 

Koin looked at the empty spot where Sasuke was until he looked down at the ring that was on the ground "I'm sorry..." he lays on his bed thinking about what Sasuke had said.

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