Chapter 30

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Koin slowly wakes up but squints his eyes when a bright white light hits his eyes, he uses his arm to shield himself from the bright light as he slowly gets up groaning in pain " I?" he asked himself looking around, that's when he noticed he was in a room. He continues to look around until he looks down at himself to see that his bandages are fresh and an IV tub is in his hand "What the hell?" he asked himself.

"Mr. Koin you're finally awake!!" said a feminine voice, Koin turns his head to see a shocked nurse. Koin opens his mouth about to speak but the nurse quickly leaves the room before he can get a word out, Koin closes his mouth when the nurse was gone "What's her deal?" he asked himself again. He turns his head looking out the window trying to figure out where he was and how he got there.


Koin turns his head and his eyes widen in shock, at the door were Sakura, Naruto, Akumu, and two familiar males. "Nii-chan!!" yelled Sakura as she ran to him and hugs him tightly before Naruto and Akumu follow in hugging him with Sakura "Sakura...Akumu...Naruto..." Koin said still in shock. Akumu and Naruto break the hug while Sakura continued to hug him while tears run down her cheeks like if she were to let go he would disappear again "Sakura, you're hugging me too tight, I can't breathe" said Koin, Sakura slowly let's go wiping her tears away "I'm sorry" she says with a smile as she sat next to him, Koin smiles at the three.

Koin looks at the two males who were by the door, he couldn't really remember where he saw them "Oh Koin, I want you to meet Sai and Captain Yamato" said Akumu. Yamato and Sai walk toward him before Yamato takes his hand out for him to shake "It's nice to meet you Koin, I heard a lot about you from Sakura, Naruto, and Akumu" said Yamato, Koin looks at him before he shakes his hand "And this is Sai" said Akumu. Koin looks at Sai, Sai smiles at him "It's nice to meet you, deadhead"

Sakura, Akumu, and Naruto looked at Sai in shock before they look at Koin who had an angry expression on his face.

Sakura, Akumu, and Naruto looked at Sai in shock before they look at Koin who had an angry expression on his face

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"What did you call me?!" 

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