Chapter 11

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Edited: November 26, 2015 (Happy Thanksgiving!)

Tris' pov

We look at the screens, once more, and see some of our agents come from behind. So while they are taking care of that, we split up. Will, Tobias, and I are going to the front. Zeke and Uriah are heading toward the window where someone was climbing to.

"So, I guess your wondering what we are doing." Tobias says to Will.

"Yeah. I mean, it's not everyday where I fix some computer problems, learn to shoot a gun, to throw a knife, while going through a house, trying to catch the people breaking in." Will responds.

"You guys can tell him. He seemed to know what he was doing with the computers. After this I want to talk to him, recruit him. He can help you guys out, A LOT. There might  have been a different outcome if he wasn't there to help today." Max says. I completely forgot about these ear pieces. I tell Will what Max just said. I explain that we are in the FBI, we work for the Dauntless. Max is the leader. Blah blah blah, yada yada yada.

"Wow. That sounds interesting. And yeah, I would love to join" Will said excitedly.

"But it has to stay a secret. You can't tell anyone! We can't let anyone know. Not even our friends. That's why we haven't told anyone. If you do, there will be severe consequences or you might even be killed." I say just to try to scare him, even though it's true. Anyways, the control room was on the third floor. We are on the first floor now. Everything is silent. Right before we advance, we hear a crash in the kitchen.

We head to the kitchen slowly. We are by the doorway that connects the kitchen to the living room. I glance over and a knife whizzes by me. But missed. Tobias points his gun but another knife is thrown. It hits his gun and falls. The guy attacks him. While they fight, I try to shoot the other guy, since there were two guys. Tobias had guy #1, and Will and I have guy #2. Guy #2 has a gun as well. Guy #2 aims at me, but I move out the way.

Tobias' back is turned, while he fights his intruder, guy #1. My intruder, guy #2 aims at Tobias. I run to guy #2 and sweep his legs from underneath him. While running, I dropped my gun. Before guy #2 can shoot me, Will appears.

Will throws his knife. It gets guy #2 in the arm, but distracts him. I get up and knock guy #2 unconscious. Tobias did the same to guy #1. By now, the other agents come inside, and take them away. Us three run upstairs to Uriah and Zeke. As we are going, some other agents follow. We turn the corner, and find Zeke and Uriah dragging someone down the hall. The agents take them out the house, into their cars, and leave. Us five just sort of stand there in silence.

"So... When can I join?" Will says enthusiastically and lightens the mood. We lightly laugh at his enthusiasm. Max comes up and explains everything else Will needs to know about the FBI. He asks Will to move in, Max already spoke with his parents, and they agreed. Max gives Will his ear piece, and tells us to train him. Usually, he wouldn't be able to join any mission until he is trained fit enough, (both mentally and physically). However, Max is making an exception For Will. Then after this is over, he will train properly.

After everything is situated, we head to the game room again. (Where they were at before the attack, on the second floor. The first floor is the kitchen, living room, dining room, and guest rooms. The second floor is our main bedrooms- only four of them though- game room, and training room. The third floor is the security stuff and emergency weapons.) We talk to Will, just about the agency. About what happened in PE, I tell him what happened with Peter, Eric, and Molly.

We begin training him tomorrow. We spend like a hour showing Will how to aim a gun and knives, then just get back to our game. Now, school should be over. Christina texted me.

C-Are you with Four, Zeke, Uriah, and Will?-c
T-Yeah why?
C-We are all meeting at the Pit. Four, Zeke, and Will should know where it is. We are just going to hang out today, to celebrate our first day of school. Lol it was quite interesting. So what do you say...

"Hey guys, are you cool with hanging with the gang tonight?" They nod their heads.

T-yeah, we are on our way.

We just relax and hang with the gang the rest of the day. After, we drop Will off to get some stuff, we'll get everything another day, we head go home. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

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