Chapter 26

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Tris' pov

We are back at school this week. We talk with the gang to make sure we all have the same story of what happened. We are saying that Tobias was cooking food, cutting up some meat. And I tried to scare him and he dropped the knife and it hit my calf. He took me to the hospital, and he called the rest of the gang. That's why they ended the party early. And that Tobias stayed at the hospital with me.

I just have to wrap my calf, (like the wrap you use to wrap a sprained ankle), and I can go to school.

"So Max thinks we should go back on Wednesday to check out his house for anything else. He'll excuse us from school. But only you, Four, Uriah, and I are going. Will will be at the house, sending all the information we send him to our computers and the Max's. Also so he can call back-up just in case. The others are staying so it doesn't draw too much attention that a handful of kids are absent." Zeke explains.


Wednesday comes around fast and we are in Peters room, heading to the bookcase. We go through and search down there, and we have to wear gloves. There are 3 small boxes of used and unused serums. Tobias, Uriah, and Zeke take the upstairs. I start to look around and a poster in the corner of the room.

Why is there a random poster? I go over there, and pick at the poster. I take it off and see a door. Not like a regular door, like on you have to crawl through, almost like an oversized vent. I quietly open it and crawl through the tunnel. When I get to the end of the tunnel, I see a room. I finial,y stand up, and I look around.

In here, there is a giant screen, with a bunch of buttons and keyboards attached to it and all kinds of files/folders on it. (A/N: sorry, not very good at describing it. Its like in those cartoons and movies where there's a giant laptop basically. Like in Phineas and Ferb, where Perry goes to his select lab, that computer screen thing.) I look at the screen and I see what looks exactly like my key around my neck. I click on it, and it pulls up information about it.

Described shape: shotgun key
Where it is: unknown
Purpose: to create a death serum. The final secret ingredient.
Instructions: press you finger the the very tip for 5 seconds. The end pops out, pull it, and the liquid substance will come out. Push close when done. Automatic refill. Takes 7 minutes to refill.
Other info: when opened, a liquid oozes out of it. It will knock someone out for 10 minutes when in contact with skin. Add this oz to the paralyzing serum to create a death serum. Only one person can open it, whoever possession in it in. He/she will always have it on them.

Wow.... I never knew that. I see the files/folders on the desk and open one. I see one that says suspects. I open it and see Tobias's, Zeke's, the Blacks's, and my name on this list with a picture of us next to our names. They think it belongs to one of us. After looking at these, I glance at my key really quick and see tape over the end. Max must've put it on there so I don't accidentally open it and knock myself out. Does this mean only I can open it?

I take pictures of everything I see. The info about the key and the files/folders of us, etc. I head back through the tunnel to get everyone else.

"Six!" I hear someone yell. Zeke maybe? "Six, where are you? Did you find anything?"

I crawl all the way through and see them looking for me.

"Hey guys... Come check out what I found." They head over to me. I show them the tunnel and they look amazed. We crawl through and enter the secret lab room. When they see the screens and files, they look through them. Uriah pulls me aside.

"Hey Six? Umm isn't that the thing Max gave you? The key that looks exactly like the pictures."

"Honestly Uriah, I don't know. I feel like it is. I'm even on the suspect list that has it. It all makes sense. But I don't want to open it, what if I pass out?" I really want to try this out but I don't want to put anyone else in danger trying to hide this thing. "Maybe that's why Luke was out for it!? Uri, I don't want anyone to get hurt because I have this thing on me. Look, I'm going to try and open it, catch me if i fall. If they ask questions, don't answer them. I'll let them know when I need them to. Okay?" When I pass out, just take me upstairs."

"Okay. I won't say anything. I'll close the cap thingy if the liquid spills. I'll try to catch you-" I playfully punch him, "I'm just kidding. And they might get suspicious. Just saying... But I'll carry you upstairs. But let's do this outside of this tunnel room. Just to make it easier. K?" I agree.

"Hey guys, Uriah and I are going to check the room they were originally placed in. We'll call if we find anything. You do the same." I say. We leave before anyone can object. I take off the the cover thing and slide my finger across it. It slides open and a gray looking liquid comes out.

It makes contact with my skin and I pass out. The last things I remember are Uriah sliding the cap back in place, tucking the key back in his pocket (just until I wake up) so no one sees it, and calling the others while carrying me up the stairs. So, I'm the one they are looking for... But who's looking for me?

(A/N: idk how to do a cast list. Can anyone tell me please?)

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