Chapter 23

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Tris' pov

I get a text from Zeke saying he is ready. I saved all the evidence he sent me. I text Uriah and Will to keep Peter and Eric downstairs. Tobias goes to open the door for Zeke. Zeke tells us what was down there, and texts me what kind of supplies we need so we don't forget. We go down to the party for 10 minutes then Zeke, Uriah, Will, Tobias and I leave to gather everything we need and to advise a rescue plan. When we get home, Max calls us.

"Hey guys. Something happened at the HQ and we need to shut everything down for a while to go in hiding. No one can know we are here. Since you guys are outside the HQ, you'll stay out until we get things situated. You won't be able to contact us and vice versa until it's ready again. Whoever is with you is who you guys have. Like Hana and Amar and Tori. Try and finish your mission without us. And it'll be at least a few weeks until we can contact each other. So, anything you need to say, say it now."

"We found the Blacks and who they are hiding. We are coming up with a plan to get them out."

"Good job. Hope everything is alright. Don't worry about us. We just can't risk anyone knowing where we are. I'll call you when we are in the clear." And he hangs up. Looks like we have to do this on our own.
The next day, brainstormed and came up with a plan. We convinced Christina to have a party at her place next week. It gives us time to make sure we have everything. This weekend we just got our stuff together and going over the plan. We can't afford to mess this up. We don't have backup.
We get to school on Monday and Christina comes up to me.

"Why do I need to throw a party this week?" Um.... What do I say? I can't ask Max. Ugh.

"Christina. You can't tell anyone this okay?" She nods. I pull into my car. I explain to her that I'm in the FBI, how the Blacks and at Peter's party we found them. How her party is suppose to be distraction so I can sneak in the house. After I explain, she looks at me with a surprised look.

"Ok I know you won't do this alone because that would be stupid. So that means Four, Zeke, and Uriah are working with you right? And I'll tell/text you if Peter or anyone leaves my house. And can I pick out your outfits and stuff? I've plenty of movies and tv shows to hide your weapons while looking good. Please?"

"Yea, they work with me. But don't say anything. I'll tell them you know. And thanks for the help. And... Sure why not. Maybe it handy to have my weapons hidden. And you know what? After the whole HQ thing gets situated, you can work in the costumes department. We need help in that." She squeals. "Oh, and Will also works with us. But not so much in field. More computer stuff. He wasn't allowed to say anything so don't get mad at him." She nods. I answer any questions, and then we go into the building.

***night of party, Friday***

"There. All done." Christina says. She dressed me up, and I have all kinds of little gadgets on me. We can definitely use Christina in the FBI. Uriah and Will go with everyone else to the party, while Tobias, Zeke and I go to Peter's house. We get to Peter's house after Christina says him and Eric are at the party. Why would they leave the house alone? I see all the windows boarded up from the inside. There are all kinds of bolts locking the front door. We go to the back, and there is a keypad to open the door. Of course there is. I sign, and we try to figure this out. As I'm about to give up, I come up with an idea.

"We need flour." I say. (A/N; I seen this in a movie. Idk if it is flour, all I know is it's suppose to be some kind of white substance. So I'm going to say it's flour for the sake of the story.) They look confused at first but then I see them understand what I'm saying. Tobias goes to get some really quick. When he gets back, I put some over the keypad. And it sticks to 0,1,2,5,6,8.

But more flour sticks to numbers 1 and 5, so that means there used twice. 0,1,1,2,5,5,6,8. We have no idea what to do, so I call Uriah and Will. Will picks up, and he gets Uriah into their car so they can talk. I tell them, and they come up with an idea. We have to correspond the numbers the the letters in the alphabet. We stay on the phone and talk it over. We know it has something to do with Peter, but the letters don't make sense. A-1 A-1 B-2 E-5 E-5 F-6 H-8. Uriah suggests that some are in the double digits.

"Ugh! This is going to take forever! For all we it can be one of their names." I say frustrated. Zeke writes something down on his paper.

"It's Peters name!" I look at what his writing. P-16 E-5 T-20 E-5 R-18. I take a pic and send it to Will and Uriah. Tobias types in the numbers, and the back door opens. We walk in and start to head upstairs, but we aren't alone, as we thought we were.

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