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Justin's pov 

I knew this was going to happen, but even though I knew it still upset me.  

It hurt to see him in such a state, It hurt to see him so out of control when I have only ever seen him in control of himself and his emotions, well most of the time. 

We had fallen asleep in the park not long after we told each other that we loved one another, Later that morning we were woken up by the shriek of my mother and also some of the workers from the rehabilitation centre.  

They thought that we had both done a runner and had also called the police to report us as missing but I assured her that we just needed to get out and be with just each other for a little while. 

Of course I got scolded until my mum turned red in the face before she pulled both Jason and I into her arms and squeezed us tightly, telling us to never do it again. But I noticed Jason started to act funny once we had woken up but I just left him to do what he needed to because that’s what I would have wanted if I was in his position.  

We were taken back to the rehab centre and were given breakfast although I didn't eat much of it and neither did Jason which was odd to see as he is always stuffing his face.  

So now here I sat with my back against the headboard of the bed and Jason sat in between my legs with his head rested on my hollow stomach, as I ran my fingers through the soft hair on the top of his head.  

He was just staring into space much like I used to do.  

I could practically see his brain working on overtime as he looked over to the empty bed that is Levi's and I didn't like that he was over thinking but then at the same time, I kind of knew that he needed to think to know what his next move was going to be.  

"Baby." I whispered leaning down and kissing the top of his head, but he just continued to look at the other side of the room.  

Is this what it was like when someone would try to talk to me? I wondered.  

I didn't know if he had heard me and just didn't want to reply, or he hadn't heard me as he was so deep in thought, so I tried again.  

"Jay?" I spoke a little louder just to make sure. 

Jason jumped and turned his head so fast that I thought it was going to come flying right off of his shoulders. 

"I'm sorry." I apologized quickly but he shook his head and tried to send me a smile but he failed miserably.  

Wordlessly, Jason leaned up and placed a soft kiss on my chin before turning his head and nuzzling my neck, pecking the skin there before settling down again.  

I frowned and ran my hand up the length of his back, "How are y-you feeling?" I asked him, resting my head on top of his as he shifted a little. 

"Um," He whispered softly, so soft that I barely heard it. "I don’t know." He replied honestly making my frown deepen even more if that was possible.  

I want him to talk to me about it, about anything at this point. I don’t want him to turn out the way I have from closing myself off and keeping to myself because I thought it was best for everyone and I didn't want to burden people with my problems. Now I know it was the wrong thing to do.  

"Please, t-talk to me." I begged, rubbing the pads of my fingers down his cheek as he tensed at my words, shaking his head slowly.  

"Why?" I questioned. 

"Because, I don’t want to burden you with my problems, when you are in rehab trying to sort through your own." He spoke as if it was the simplest explanation in the world and I was stupid for not knowing it.  

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