I think i broke him

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Justin's pov

"I want Justin."

"Give me my pumpkin."

"What? Do you think I am going to hurt the one I love?"

"Just let me fucking out you bastards."

Jason screamed and banged, this has been going on for about two and a half hours now and I have not moved from my spot outside the door.

I was wondering when he was going to tire himself out, but it didn't seem like that would be happening until he saw me.

Don't get me wrong, I want to see him more than anything. I am just scared.

He is reminding me of what he used to be like, his anger, the way his eyes had turned that pitch black they always did when I would do something wrong, the vein in his neck was more prominent as he yelled, his fists were clenched as well as his teeth and all I could think, no all I could feel was that I was that weak little boy that was either getting beat up by his father or his high school bully.

Is it wrong to feel afraid of him at this moment?

It feels wrong because of everything that we have been through, it doesn't feel right to be scared of the one you love, but in another sense, I am not healed.

I have not been fixed and I never will be, so that fear will always be there deep down inside.

It will just fade with time.

"I swear if I am not let out to see my boyfriend in ten seconds, I will burn this place to pieces." Jason screamed.

At this point everyone was afraid of him, anyone that walked past would look at the door in fear, as if he was going to come flying through it at any second and pound their faces in with his fists. Even Mark looked shaken up but he didn't look scared.

"O-Open the door." I whispered tiredly, rubbing at my eyes as I stood up from the floor and stepped away from the door so Mark could unlock it.

"Are you sure? I mean what if he-" Mark started to say but is shook my head with what I could only hope was a reassuring smile.

"He won't h-hurt me." I whispered, I think I was trying to tell myself that in a way, but then in a different view, I believed myself. I knew he would rather chop off his own leg before he hurt me again and I had to put that bit of trust into him that he won't.

"Ok, just be careful." Mark murmured, kissing my forehead before putting his hands on both of the bolts and pulling them to the side.

As he did, I stepped forward and put my hand on the door handle, taking a deep breath before I turned it and pulled it open.

I looked into the cushioned room and saw Jason facing one of the walls, smacking his head against the cushions and I couldn't be more thankful that he couldn't hurt his precious self in here.

"J-Jason." I stuttered nervously and he turned around as if the devil had called him. His eyes had calmed down into a stormy blue, still not his usual ice blue but blue nonetheless.

He stared at me for what seemed like forever before he dropped to his knees and burst out into heart breaking sobs, while choking my name out through gasps.

"J-Justin, J-Justin, I'm sorry." Jason cried.

I was stood in shock for a few seconds before I realized what was happening and I ran over to him then sat down on the floor using all of my strength to lift his upper body and place it into my lap.

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