Bubble Buddy, No, Cuddle buddy

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Specially dedicated to my little bumblebee @DanielLeeReese for giving me the idea of Jason and Justin watching a spongebob episode and being all cutesy.

The italics mean that the video is playing.

Jason's pov

I woke up to the sound of giggles echoing around the room on the boat.

After Justin and I had our bath, we were supposed to be leaving back to the house, but we decided to stay here for a few more hours before we made our way back to reality, we just wanted to escape for that little bit longer.

Rubbing at my eyes to clear of my blurry vision, I sat up a little bit from my laying position in bed and blinked for a few seconds before taking in my surroundings, my eyes instantly falling onto my lover.

Justin was sat crossed legged at the end of the mattress, his posture straight and his lips spread into a smile that instantly made me grin and it only widened when he hunched over, clutching at his stomach as he let out another string of those absolutely adorable giggles, "Baby?" I grumbled, my voice still husky from just waking up, I must have fallen asleep watching a film.

My pumpkin jumped, turning around to face me and I could not help but chuckle at his adorable appearance, his cheeks were flushed red, probably from the embarrassment of jumping and also from his little laughing session, his hair was flopped over his forehead cutely making me want to brush my fingers through it, his eyes were shining and his lips were parted deliciously.

"Jason, how l-long have you been awake?" He practically whined making me laugh and sit up, gesturing for him to come over to me, but of course being the little cheeky monkey that he is, he shook his head with his lip pouted out before pausing spongebob.

"Please baby? I need to hold you." I whispered with my own pout, trying to make myself look as adorable as possible because I know that he can never deny me when I do.

"No." Justin shook his head, his hair flopping from side to side.

Whining under my breath, I brought the covers up to my face and let out a whimper while keeping my eyes uncovered so I could look at him with my saddened eyes.

Justin frowned as I let out another whimper and lay back down, burying my face into the soft pillows and letting out soft cries and I smirked once I felt the mattress shift from beneath me and a comfortable weight was added to my hips.

"Jason?" Justin whispered, trying to pry the blankets away from my face, but I just grinned and kept them there hearing him let out a little huff, "I'm sowwy, please don't s-sulk." He whined.

"Hey I am not sulking." I growled playfully, removing the covers from my face and glaring.

Justin raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest much like his mother, "You don't think I k-know you well by now?" He hummed, "I know when you're sulking and whining and that is exactly what y-you were just doing." He pointed out.

"Nuh uh." I denied, grabbing his tiny hips into my large hands and pulling him closer to myself before he could think of escaping me.

"Uh huh."

"No I am not cutie pie." I cheesed, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Yes you are, g-grizzly bear." He cooed, leaning down and rubbing his nose against mine, making my eyes widen, I still cant believe how bold he has become and how much more comfortable he is within himself and around me, it amazes me and just proves to me how much someone can change.

"I love you." I confessed, lifting up my arms so I could wrap them around his lean neck and pull him down towards myself.

Justin smiled cutely, his cheeks lighting up in that beautiful shade of pink, "I love you more."

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