Who put sass in your cereal?

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Justin's pov

Rubbing my eyes, I blinked to try and rid of the blurriness from sleep I had just woken up from, groaning softly as I moved my sore body slightly to get more comfortable.

I blinked a few times to be met with the sight of Jason's bare chest, his tattoos seeming more prominent from how close my face was to them, slowly I looked up at his still sleeping face, his mouth was slightly ajar, where small snores were escaping, his hair was a messy mop on the top of his head, his nose was scrunched up cutely and his cheeks were flushed.

Looking back down, I blushed as I realized what we had done last night.

We made love.

My eyes widened and I let out a quiet squeal of disbelief, covering my face with my hands in complete embarrassment, even though there was no one here to witness it, I still could not help but feel it.

Jason has seen my whole body, he has seen ever inch of me, every cut whether they are self inflicted or done by someone else, every freckle, beauty spot, every imperfection of my body, which is everything, he has seen places that no one else has ever seen before and that no one else will be seeing besides him.

I shook my bum a little to test out if it hurt or not, quickly stopping once I realized that it did hurt, not really badly, but it was one of those pains you knew was there and could not ignore, it was like a dull throb that worsened when you moved.

Squealing again, my cheeks flushing a deep red. I lifted the covers to look down at myself, but my eyes ended up trailing over to Jason and I squeaked once again at the sight of his morning wood, "Oh my goodness."

Just then Jason moved, letting out a low groan and I practically threw the blanket down and turned to look at him with wide eyes, as if I had just been caught with my hands in the cookie jar, which I might as well have been.

"Baby?" Jason questioned, his voice a deep husk as he blinked open his ice blue eyes and looked straight towards my boring caramel ones.

Blushing, I looked down at my lap, making sure that the covers were pulled up to my waist.

Jason chuckled before sitting up and placing his thumb under my chin, lifting my head up slowly. I didn't want to look into his eyes because I was so embarrassed, but once my eyes connected with his own, it was like all of my insecurities flew out the window, his eyes told many things and right now he was begging me to trust him.

"Don't be shy pumpkin, how are you feeling?" He asked while thumbing at my chin.

"Like I just had a p-pole shoved up my bum?" I questioned before covering my mouth in shock at what had just come out of it.

Jason burst into laughter, his thumb leaving my chin so that his could place his hands upon his stomach, his whole body trembling from how hard he was laughing, "Baby." He cried, his special smile making its way onto his beautiful face.

"I-I did not mean to s-say that." I murmured, shaking my head as if to further prove my point.

"It's ok cutie, now how do you feel within yourself?" He questioned, laying down and pulling me back down beside him so that we were facing each other, I blushed for the umpteenth time already and pushed my face into his neck so that I didn't have to look into his eyes.

"I feel c-content," I admitted against his skin, "I f-feel whole." I whispered.

Jason let out a breath, "That's good," He spoke and you could just hear the smile in his voice, "That's great, amazing, how was it?" He questioned nervously, tilting my head to the side slightly, I noticed that his hands started to tremble a little and from previous encounters, I knew that he did that when he was nervous.

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