First step

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Justin's pov

I nodded along with what the lady was saying as she spoke to me about the rehabilitation centre I was going to and that she worked in, "The centre has been there since the 1970's and has only grown over the years, we have a number of staff that are both paid and volunteers who will always be there to help you or to just talk to." She finished explaining the history of the building like I was actually interested in knowing it.

Jason was sat behind me and I was sat in between his legs comfortably with my head buried into the crook of his neck as I faced out towards the woman that was talking, my cheek was nuzzled into his bare chest as he caressed light circles into my back only making me relax into him more. 

The woman told me that she wanted to speak to me on my own, but I didn't trust her and I didn't want to be on my own so I refused to let Jason out of this room, I told my mum and Demi to go home and get some rest because I didn't really want my mum listening to any of this and also because I'm eighteen years old, I am not a minor and I am an adult so she doesn't have to be in here with me. 

My mum wasn't very happy about me choosing Jason to stay in here with me instead of her because she feels like she needs to know everything that is going on, but I don't want her in here same as when she took me to the doctors and I didn't want her in there, I don't want her to get hurt anymore than she already is.

The woman turned around for a second and was rummaging around her bag for something and I looked up at Jason just as he looked down at me, he rolled his eyes playfully and mimicked how the woman was talking pulling funny faces and I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips as he silently laughed. 

The woman turned around at the sound of my giggle, but I just kept looking at Jason as he pulled funny faces at me making me giggle again and cover my mouth with my hand as he crossed his eyes and poked his tongue out, panting like a dog. 

I heard someone clear their throat making me and Jason look back and the woman was stood with a clipboard in her hand and was smiling softly at us making me blush bright red as Jason kissed my temple softly. 

"Ok Justin," She spoke softly with a little sigh, "I just need to ask you a few questions so we got something to go off on and we know a bit more about you because at the moment we only know your name and age, is that ok?" She asked with a smile and I nodded, hoping I did not have to talk as much as I thought I would have to. 

"I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do, so if there is something you do not want to answer, just tell me, ok Justin?" She spoke towards me and I nodded my head letting her know that I heard her. 

I shifted a bit in my place so half of my face was buried into the left side of Jason's chest where his heart was so the beat of it could sooth me, "Ok we will start off with the basics, when were you born?" She asked and I licked my lips, "M-March 1st 1994." I answered and she wrote it down.

"What's your height?" She questioned, "5ft 8 inches." I basically whispered but she still heard me. 

"Parents names?" 

"P-Patricia Mallette," I mumbled, then hesitated for a few seconds before stating the second name, "M-Mark Jones." I answered and she nodded writing it down and Jason kissed my forehead so I knew he was happy that I used Mark as my fathers name and to be honest I like it.

I let out a sigh as she continued to ask me basic questions after she asked me all of them to which I answered because they were easy, she got out a different sheet of paper that had the more real questions on there. 

"Ok Justin, what have you been diagnosed with?" She asked and my breath caught in my throat as I looked up at Jason for him to answer it, "He has clinical depression, anorexia, anxiety, auditory hallucinations and some other things I am not sure of." Jason answered for me as I sunk more into his chest feeling embarrassed.

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