The note

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*contains content that may be triggering*

Jason McCann

I was shocked for all of three seconds before I grabbed the keys to my gold Range Rover that Justin had gotten me for Christmas, ran out the door without answering to anyone and and got into my car before speeding down the path leading to the gates.

Pressing the pad on my key that would open the gates, I then zoomed out seeing Mark stood in the door way with his hands tugging at his hair before he ran back into the house, gesturing for the dogs to follow him.

I knew they would be coming, but I could not wait for everyone to get their shit together.

My heart was stuttering in my chest, working hard to pump blood through my body that was now tense in not only fear, but anger. My fingers were sweaty as they gripped tightly to the leather wheel and my brain seemed to be on automatic as I drove the half an hour drive to the rehabilitation centre in all of fifteen minutes.

Jumping out of my car and forcing myself to remember to lock it, I ran through the doors of the centre once they had buzzed me in to see a group of workers talking to the police by the reception desk, worried looks on their faces as the police took notes.

"Where is the letter? Where is Levi?" I demanded as I took steps towards the talking group, who all turned their attention towards me.

"Excuse me sir, this is a private matter." One of the police officers spoke in a stern tone and I scoffed.

"Yes and it involves me, I am Justin Bieber's boyfriend, now tell me what the fuck is going on." I shouted angrily, clenching my fists to try and control myself.

"Sir, would you please calm down and let us-" The other police officer said and I scoffed as broken tears fell down my face.

"No I fucking wont calm down, if you bastards had been doing your job of sitting outside of this place to keep an eye on him, then none of this would have fucking happened, I'm suing your asses once I find him, now tell me what the fuck you know." I warned, taking a step forward.

That was when I heard a tiny afraid voice, "Jason." It whimpered and I spun around to see Levi stood there, his body trembling as tears ran down his face and I wasted no time in opening my arms for him to come to me.

Levi ran over and launched himself into my arms, burying his face into my neck as he let out sobs and I didn't say anything to him simply because I didn't know what to say, I cant say that everything is going to be alright because I don't know that, I cant say that Justin is fine because I'm clueless about the situation, so I simply turned around and faced the police officers once again.

"W-Wait, Jason?" Levi called and I looked at him once more, "There was nothing I could do, I tried to stop them, but I'm weak and-" Levi started to stutter his way through his rant and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I whispered soothingly, despite the absolute terror I was facing on the inside, despite wanting to rip this building to shreds with my bare hands.

"T-The people, they took me too, but they left me a few blocks down, they only took me because I was kicking and screaming and they threw me out of the moving van-" Levi started and only then did I notice the cuts and grazes that ran along his face, neck and arms.

"They knocked Justin out with something and covered his head with a bag so that he couldn't see where they were taking him if he woke up, they said that we would never find them and even if we did, Justin would be dead by then." He sobbed, his eyes closing as he pressed his face against my chest.

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