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Death is a funny thing.

It can come suddenly or you could be expecting it.

Death can be an accident or it can be caused purposely.

Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal.

There are many ways to die but most people say they would want to die in their sleep because then you aren't suffering, you do not know that you are dying, It just happens and it's peaceful.

You never get over a death, but you do get through it somehow.

You cant get by it because you cannot get around death.

They say it will get better but it doesn't it just gets different.  

Everyone stood with tears running down their faces.

Funerals, the only time that people come together and mourn.

The only time that people don't argue and fight with each other, well apart from a few.

These people come together and act like they love each other out of respect but they don't really want to be there, they would much rather waste their time watching the tv or doing the weekly shopping, but they just push through it, as i said before out of that little respect that they have and as soon as the ceremony is over they are back to hating each other.

That respectful façade disappears to be replaced by one of nonchalance.

Everyday single day, grief puts on a new face. 

The dark wood coffin was carried through the church as people wept seeing it, watching with crocodile tears as the box with the now limp and cold body was carried.

Very few people thinking about how much they liked the person in the coffin but they wouldn't say anything, they would suck it up and they would make those crocodile tears the best that they ever have.

The men that carried the coffin walked with their heads down and only one of those men were crying while the others held a straight face.

A face that you could not tell what they were thinking or feeling.

The one man that was crying.

The one man that was stood on the opposite side of where the father was did not care about showing strength right now, he didn't care that he looked like a baby to these people around him.

His name is Jason McCann.  

He was stood at the head of the coffin in a pressed black suit, his hair styled to perfection but his face looked a mess, his body language shouted about the hurt and the pain that he was going through right now.

People wondered how this one man had not collapsed into a ball of emotions right at that moment but he was stronger than he made himself look.

He had some input on how the funeral would go as he was the closest person to the limp body in the coffin, no matter how much that person had made him hurt right at this moment, this person had left him and he was angry about it but that didn't show.

His heart ached as he listened to the music that was picked out and he walked at a steady pace even though his legs wanted to give out badly.

He just wanted to collapse to the ground and curl into a ball but he couldn't, at least not yet.

He wanted to cry at the sight of the purple flowers that surrounded the church, Purple was his favourite colour, he thought as he continued his walk.

Jason wanted to scream and shout from the rooftops but he couldn't, he had to get through this because it is all part of recuperating.

"We cant control the wind, but we can direct the sail."


Stay beautiful and Stay you <3

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