Christmas day

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[Jason's new car]

Jason McCann

It was currently 2.26am and I was downstairs wrapping last minute presents that I had gotten for everyone, I had also ran out at about one to pick up some things for Levi so he would have some things to open for Christmas and not feel like he was intruding or anything like that. 

I hummed to myself as I had soft music playing in the background, smiling as I thought about Justin that was currently sleeping in our bedroom and I didn't want to leave him alone up there, but I had to do this because I was behind on wrapping all the presents and things. 

The past few days went by really slowly and I hated it, I hate Justin not being here, I hate that I feel so lonely without him here, I hate that he has to go back there and I cant go with him, I hate that he has to go back, but I know he has to and I wouldn't stop him because I want him to get better just as much as everyone else that cares about him does. 

I have done literally nothing but eat, sleep, work out and watch spongebob because it reminds me of him.

Pouting to myself, I placed a bow on the last present and stood up running my fingers through my hair tiredly. 

I'm glad Justin has made a friend in there and especially one that he met briefly before, I can see they are going to be good friends and be there through each other in that place and for that I could not be any happier. 

Am I jealous of their relationship? 

No I am not, I have nothing to be jealous about, I know how much Justin loves me, I know that he would never cheat on me or do anything to hurt me and I have the utmost trust in him.  

I walked over to the fish tank deciding to feed them early as they swam up to the top as soon as I lifted the lid, Snuffles and Lily following behind me quietly like little lost puppies, much like I do with Justin. 

Once I fed the fish I made my way to the sofa where two little dogs outfits lay that I had purchased earlier and I changed both dogs into their outfits, Snuffles was Santa Claus and Lily was an elf and I could not help the chuckle that escaped my lips from how absolutely adorable they looked.

Looking down at their droopy eyes, I sighed shaking my head with a fond smile, "Go to bed you two." I commanded softly, pointing to their dog basket, they looked over at their beds  and then back at me with what looked to be thankful eyes. 

Snuffles then placed his paws on my chest and licked my right cheek, hopped off my lap and ran clumsily over to the dog basket laying down, I raised an eyebrow at Lily as she repeated the process but licked my left cheek and I couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as they cuddled together and within seconds were asleep. 

I stood up and started walking towards the back door before I remembered to grab a bottle of water then made my way into the garden, the cold air nipped at my bare chest, but I didn't mind as I walked around the side and to the gym so I could work out and once I got in I started off doing warm ups which consisted of push ups, sit ups, bicep, pectoral and tricep stretches and all other things to warm my body up.  

Once I finished all my stretches I moved over to the running machine and stepped on it then set it up onto a low speed so I was just jogging for a few minutes, but then I started to make it go faster so I was running. 

My heart beat picked up as I focused on moving my feet to the speed of the treadmill making sure that I wouldn't slip and break my ass, I panted and sweat trickled down my forehead from how fast I was moving, but I was used to it and quite enjoyed the burn that came along with it. 

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