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Jason McCann

My eyes were wide and my fist was held up to my mouth in shock, Justin was gripping onto my arm with a death grip and his eyes were also wide before he burst into a fit of absolutely adorable giggles, one of his hands lifting up to cover his mouth and that only made a loud belly laugh escape my lips at the sight in front of me.

A waiter had fallen down to the ground on his ass, the plates flying into the air as well as the spaghetti dishes he was holding, the spaghetti flying into the air in what seemed to be slow motion as it then flew back down and landed on top of his head like a mop, his pants had split right down the middle, one of his shoes had flew onto a table and smacked a man against the face and the poor boys face was beetroot red.

I felt bad for laughing, but if you had been sat here right now and had just witnessed that, you would be laughing to.

Justin pouted as the boy started to tear up, he couldn't have been more than seventeen years old, my baby then stood up and quietly made his way over to the boy that look so embarrassed as people pointed and snickered at him and he knelt down before whispering something to the teary eyed boy.

The boy nodded with a small shaky smile and Justin stood up before holding his hand out in a gesture for the boy to take it and he did so, standing up quickly and holding his head down faced to the ground in what seemed to be shame, Justin took the boys hand and pulled him away from the crowd before disappearing into the mens toilets.

I smiled proudly at my pumpkins kindness before turning back around to face everyone, who were just staring over at where the incident had just taken place in shock.

"My baby is so kind." I grinned happily, picking up my glass of ice water with a slice of lemon and taking a sip.

We were sat here for couple of minutes before I heard Justin's timid voice calling me, I turned my head to see him stood by the entrance to where the toilets were and once he saw me look at him, he gestured for me to make my way over to him and so I did so without batting an eyelid, just in case it was seriously important.

"What's wrong baby?" I questioned, grabbing his hand in my own as he looked up at me.

"T-The boy wont come out of the toilet and I-I don't know what to do." He whispered, I wondered why he was whispering, that was until I glanced to the side to see a few of the people that were sitting close to us, listening in and giving us strange looks as if we had done something wrong.

"Ok pumpkin, lets go." I spoke, motioning towards the toilets.

Justin led me back the way he came and pushed the door to the bathroom open and once he had, I saw the boy sat down on the counter, his head in his hands and tears running down his face, he looked a little more cleaned up than he had when it first happened, but you could still see the stains from the spaghetti on his once white shirt.

"Are you ok mate?" I asked, walking over to him with Justin at my side.

The boy looked up startled for a moment before he noticed Justin and nodded softly, "I'm ok, I don't know if my job is though." He sniffled making me frown in confusion.

"Why wouldn't your job be ok, it was an accident." I pointed out, moving closer to him and leaning against the counter before pulling Justin into my arms and resting my chin against the top of his head.

The boy laughed sadly, shaking his head and running his fingers through his wet ginger hair, I'm guessing from where he washed out the food, "My boss wont look at it that way, this is the sixth time I have dropped food or drinks onto the floor of this place and he doesn't see them as accidents, all he cares about is the money he has had to fork out to pay for the expensive dishes and wasted food."

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