Jastin's bath time

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Justin's pov

I was currently stood in the bathroom that was attached to mine and Levi's room, staring at my reflection in complete horror as I thought about the things I had said to Jason yesterday.

I mean, your dick soon? Who even says that.

Groaning in pure and utter embarrassment, I slammed my forehead into my hands and then rested them against the wall.

Jason was currently talking to his therapist on the phone, so I left in here to give him a some privacy. Of course I didn't know that I was going to think so much and then I ended up thinking about what a complete and utter idiot I had been.

I don't know what was wrong with me, I don't know what the hell I had taken but whatever it was, I didn't want it again.

Letting out a quiet sigh, I picked my head up from my hands and walked over to the bath, putting the plug in and turning the faucet so that the water would start filling the bath up.

Jason was leaving tomorrow morning to go back home so we decided that we were going to take one of our infamous baths together, I love taking them because they remind me of the first time Jason told me that he loves me.

But baths also have bad memories for me and a lot of them, such as me committing suicide, taking them when my cuts would be stinging, falling asleep in it one time and almost drowning, the voice talking to me, telling me things to do to myself or things about myself that I knew were true.

After Jason told me he loves me and after I started to take baths with him at home, it had become a sort of comfort place for me, somewhere where I could relax and forget about all the terrors of the outside world and just focus on myself and Jason.

I picked up the bottle of bubble bath I had asked my mum to bring in before pouring some in and swirling them around the bath to make them foam up more. I waited until the bath was full enough before switching off the taps and placing the bubble bath back onto the shelf.

After I had done that I made my way over to the sink, feeling the need to brush my teeth again, so that's what I did. When I was just rinsing my mouth out, a knock sounded at the door, "Come i-in." I spoke as best as I could with a mouthful of mouthwash.

Chuckling, Jason walked into the bathroom with raised eyebrows.

His eyes were still red and puffy from him crying in his sleep this morning and his face looked drawn, but even with everything that has been going on with him, he has been keeping up one hell of a strong front, I just want him to realize that he doesn't need to put a front up around me.

"You are really cute, did you know that?" He questioned, obviously not wanting me to answer.

I scoffed rolling my eyes, "I'll be c-cute the day you turn ugly." I pointed out after spitting out my mouth wash.

Just then I felt hands being placed on my waist and a face being pushed into the side of my neck.

"Why do you always have to deny anything I say about you?" Jason questioned squeezing my hips.

"Why do you always find a way to put yourself down? even if you think you aren't, you are." He continued.

"Why can you never accept the compliments I give you? The love I try to show you?" Jason whispered.

To say I was truly speechless was an understatement.

I didn't think I had ever brushed off his comments, I didn't think that he would take offence to anything like that.

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