Anxiety Attack

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{Picture is Levi Rylee}

Justin's pov

My eyes shot open and my body flew up in shock as I woke up from that nightmare, my chest was tight as I tried to get my breathing under control, but it was proving difficult and I quickly realized that I was having an anxiety attack. 

My throat was closing up as I panted gripping onto what seemed to be the bed sheets as my vision blurred and I started to cry silently, sweat trickled from my forehead down to my neck and chest and my muscles tightened almost painfully. 

I turned my head trying to see if there was anyone there to help me and saw Jason sleeping soundly near the edge of the bed, "J-Ja-" I started to say, but my breath got caught in my throat and I clutched my head tightly as it started to pound and a dizzy spell washed over me. 

"J-Jason." I mumbled, but it was too quiet making me panic even more, I started to hyperventilate more and hot flushes started to take over my body and it took everything in me to speak Jason's name loud enough.

"Jason." I shrieked out quickly and loudly making him fly up, confusion evident on his face as he looked at me and he was suddenly wide awake and scrambling over to me.

"Justin baby, what's happening?" He asked frantically, waving his hands around as if it was going to help. I pointed to my chest trying to get my point across and it did because his eyes were now as wide as plates, he got up and crotched down in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed wrapping my arms around myself.  

Jason placed his hands onto my knees rubbing them soothingly, "Alright baby, you'll be ok just try to relax," He whispered and my body trembled fiercely and my heart was palpitating harshly against my ribs as my cries became louder from the pain I was feeling. 

Jason stood up in a panic then sat down on the bed bringing me into his lap quickly, he wrapped is arms around me and started rocking his body back and forth in what seemed to be a soothing manner. 

"I-I-" I whimpered resting my head on his shoulder, but I couldn't keep it there long, I was restless.

"I-It, Jason it h-hurts." I whimpered wrapping my arms around myself once again. 

"I know baby, cover your ears," He whispered and I did as told as he took a deep breath, "Mum." He shouted loudly making me cringe even though my hands were still over my ears and I felt an overwhelming need to throw up, but held it back as my chest seemed to tighten even more and my cries got louder. 

Mine and Jason's bedroom door flew open and Pattie and Mark rushed in taking one look at me before my mum started to panic, my eyes rolled into the back of my head for a few seconds from the pain before I shook my head trying to calm myself down, "He's having an anxiety attack." Mark stated as he sat next to me and looked me over as if checking I was ok.

"What do we do?" Jason panicked, but Mark shook his head, "Nothing, you have to let it pass itself." He stated.  

Jason let out a breath of disbelief, "Let it pass, that's all we have been fucking doing." He muttered in an annoyed tone before he tightened his arms around me and started to whisper soothing words into my ear. 

"J-Jason." I wheezed as he ran his hand up and down my back softly.

"Yes pumpkin?" He murmured placing a kiss on my cheek, I let out a little cry of pain as my stomach started to cramp and it felt as if someone was squeezing my insides. 

"P-Please sing o-our song." I stuttered resting my head on his chest again for a few seconds.

"Anything you want baby." He murmured pulling me closer to his chest.

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