Date night

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Justin's pov

I looked up into Jason's bright icy eyes as he gazed back at me with a soft smile playing across his lips as he took in my appearance, lifting one of his hands that was hanging at his side, he brushed a piece of hair from my eyes as it fell out of place. 

"You look so beautiful." He whispered and I could feel my cheeks heating up against the cool breeze that was surrounding us.

"S-So do you." I replied nervously, feeling my hands shake softly and my knees tremble with the nerves I was feeling. 

I don't understand why I was so nervous though, I mean this is just Jason right? 

Well not really, no matter how much I am around him or how much he surprises me at the end of the day this is the man that I am in love with, this is the man that changed his ways for me and continues to do that, this is the man I want to spend the rest of my stupid and worthless life with even though he deserves so much better, but I am way to selfish to let him go. 

I placed my hand over the top of Jason's that had somewhere between our staring at each other landed on my cheek and I intertwined our fingers, the palm of my hand covering the back of his. 

Jason leaned forward and I though he was going to kiss my lips, but he nuzzled his nose against mine and then placed a kiss on the tip of it making me scrunch it up at the feeling, "So beautiful." He whispered again kissing my forehead before pulling our hands down from my cheek, but kept a hold of it.  

Without another word spoke he pulled me over to the table and chair set up that looked absolutely beautiful, once we got closer to the table I could hear our song playing in the background on repeat softly, it was an acoustic version which made it sound even more beautiful. 

Jason ushered me over to one of the chairs pulling it out for me then bowed playfully, "Take a seat beautiful," He cheesed and I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully and let out a giggle as my cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Thank you." I whispered tilting my head up to place a soft, but lingering kiss on his cheek and I could feel the heat radiating off of them making me pull back in awe. 

My eyes widened as I saw his cheeks turning redder and redder by the second, his own eyes wide and his hands flying up to cover his warm cheeks, I shook my head and jumped out of my seat launching myself at him, hitting Jason's chest with a thump, both of us falling onto the soft grass.

Well Jason fell onto the soft grass and I landed on his rock hard chest, I grabbed Jason's hands and tried to pry them away from his cheeks so I could see his blush, but he was having none of it, "L-Let me see." I demanded, he shook his head no again.  

I smirked a little bit and then leaned down at attached my lips to his soft spot and sucked on it a little making him moan but not remove his hands, so I sucked a little harder then bit down making his hands fly away as he moaned, I stopped sucking his neck and pinned his hands down so I could see his bright red cheeks. 

"Noooo." Jason whined shaking his head so I couldn't see them.

No way was I missing out on this, I have never made Jason blush, well from what I have seen. 

I moved up and straddled him pinning his hands down with my knees then grabbed his jaw in my hands smiling a little as I caught sight of his cute cheeks, "Aww." I whispered making his blush deepen if that was even possible. 

"Justin." Jason whined trying to get out of my grip but I just stared at his cheeks, I made Jason Nathaniel McCann blush. 

"You're b-blushing." I mumbled leaning down a little bit so I was closer to his face, he shook his head in denial. 

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